Chapter Five: I Belong

Start from the beginning

"Jaypaw!" Cherryheart called to the right of the den. I heard little pawsteps rushing in my direction but they went around me. "Over here."

Quickly, I padded over to the queen and heard Gorsekit's pawsteps rushing after me.

"Greetings, Jaypaw. What can we help you with?" Cherryheart asked.

"I just need to check on Gorsekit," I told them, turning to face the little she-kit. "And how're you feeling?"

Gorsekit squeaked excitedly. "I feel fine! Shadeclaw throws the moss ball for me so I can get plenty of exercise! He says it'll help me grow as big as Soulpaw!"

My ear twitched. She already wanted to be like Soulpaw. "Well that's nice of him. Remember to eat lots and get plenty of exercise so you can get as big as Soulpaw." I definitely didn't want her to be like Soulpaw. "Have you picked a mentor yet?"

There was some mumbling. "Y-Yes, we're pretty confident on who we want," Shadeclaw responded firmly and I heard Cherryheart shifted in her nest. "Anything else, Jaypaw?"

"Has your milk stopped producing?" I asked, tilting my head. Something felt wrong in the den.

There was a pause. "Oh, mostly!" Cherryheart responded quietly. "But she just started eating rabbits so I assume that's normal."

"Okay, good." I smiled at them. "I'll leave you be then. Let me know if your milk doesn't stop coming." Then I turned around and padded out of the den. Something was weird in there.


My ears pricked in curiosity. This wasn't a voice I was used to hearing. "Yes?" I responded, not trying to be rude but I had to return to Mothflower and ask what was so weird in the nursery.

"It's Blackfoot," the tom told me and I nodded at him. "I was just wondering if you knew where Sweetheart and Soulpaw went? I really need to speak with my mother."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "How would I know where Sweetheart is? Why don't you try asking Firelily."

I heard him shuffle his paws uncomfortably. "How are the queens doing?"

Queens? "Queens?" I repeated in confusion. "Don't you mean Cherryheart?"

Blackfoot paused for a moment. "I'm going to talk to Firelily, I'll talk to you later..." Then his pawsteps hurried away.

I tilted my head, absolutely baffled. What was going on?

I hurried to the medicine den and when I slipped inside I could feel Mothflower looking at me.

"What's going on?" I questioned, trying to figure out where she was.

"What do you mean Jaypaw?"

Her voice came from the back storage part of the den. "With everyone! Cherryheart and Shadeclaw were acting so weird and Blackfoot just asked me how the queens were doing, as if there were more than one!" I exclaimed, my head spinning.

Mothflower chuckled softly. "He said queens because Dawnpool just joined the nursery, Jaypaw. I figured you heard, my bad."

"Dawnpool?" I echoed, giving her a weird look. I could hear some shuffling and the smell of herbs filled my nose. She must be sorting some herbs. "With who's kits?"

I heard her set them down. "Whitefang's."

My eyes widened. I never knew they had a thing! "Oh," I responded, completely baffled. I had noticed Dawnpool was cozying up to Mousefang, to my sister's dismay, but I hadn't noticed Whitefang.

"Jaypaw? You're daydreaming and tuning me out again."

I shook my head, snapping back into reality. "What?"

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