8 | Ride

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Baekhyun bolted out of the classroom as soon as the dismissal bell had finished ringing. His teacher was about to call him out for it but then noticed everyone else leaving as well, he sighed and stared back the paperwork in front of him.

The moment the latter was out of the school building, a small droplet of rain fell on his nose.

He looked up at the grey sky and frowned, walking back inside he school building almost automatically. Damn, the day I specifically chose to not bring my umbrella, it begins raining! He thought to himself.

He stands there, waiting for who knows what, watching as the students pour out of the school gates with umbrellas and raincoats.

He suddenly jolts when he feels an arm slam down on his shoulder in a rather harsh manner. Baekhyun turns to see who it is, being greeted with a warm smile, Jongin's warm smile. The latter returns the smile shorty after.

"Why are you standing around like that? Waiting for someone?" Jongin wiggled his eyebrows as he said the last part with his infamous smirk. Baekhyun flushed slightly and shook his head. What was he waiting for exactly? It wasn't raining that hard anyways. "Then what are you waiting for? It's not like it's gonna stop raining if you stand here long enough." With that, the taller's back disappeared in the wave of students leaving the school building. A few of his friends pasted him after that asking the same question as Jongin and he every time, he replied the same way.

After about 15 minutes of gazing up at the sky, secretly hoping it would stop raining already, the last few students left the building.

They were Kris and Chanyeol.

Baekhyun couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but he watched as Chanyeol pushed the other in front of him. Kris only shrugged and headed, to what Baekhyun thought, was the bus-stop.

He noticed the giant walking over to him, every step the other took made a high-pitched clinking sound as his heal hit the cold hard floor. The latter felt his face flush for some reason every time the taller took a step closer to him.

"Aren't you going home?"

Baekhyun looked up at him and nodded, trying to pretend he wasn't just watching him from a distance.

"Then why haven't you gone yet? The bell rang a while ago." The taller crossed his arms and only now noticed it was raining. He must forgotten his umbrella or something.

"Do you want a ride home?" The blurted out without thinking, he normally isn't the type to give random people rides, what the hell has gone over him?

"Oh no. You don't have to-"

Before he could finish, Chanyeol was already dragging the smaller to his car. Baekhyun protests at first but as soon as he got a quick glance at the other's car he stops. His jaw drops when Chanyeol opens the door for Baekhyun, which for some reason made his heart flutter.

Park Chanyeol owns a fucking Ferrari LaFerrari Aperta.

He remembers someone mentioning they cost about 2 million USD!

"T-This is... This is y-your car..?" Baekhyun looked up at an annoyed Chanyeol who was still holding the door open for the older. "Yeah, now get in."

The shorter nodded and carefully stepped inside the expensive car. The car smelt practically new but aside from that he smelled something else.

Something much more familiar.

Chanyeol's scent.

Speak of the devil, the shorter lets out a soft yelp as the other door of the car opened and Chanyeol flops down. He watches as the other grabs hold of the steering while and starts the car.


"N-Nothing." The latter shook his head and looked outside, watching the rain fall and hit the window of the car in complete silence. Hoping Chanyeol doesn't hear his heart racing in his chest. He doesn't know why it's raising but it is and it's starting to bother Baekhyun a little.

Chanyeol stared at the latter for a while then shrugged and began driving wordlessly.

It's only when the car stoped in front of his house that Baekhyun came to the realization he never told the other where he lived.

"How.. Do you know where I live..?"



Suddenly Baekhyun's door opened and he almost fell off the car because of it. But before he could fall, Chanyeol reached out his arm to hold onto the shorter's wrist.

"Thanks..." The latter mumbled and bowed softly before stumbling over to his front door.

Without noticing, Chanyeol smiled softly as he waited to be sure Baekhyun had entered he house before he took off to his own.

That was a close one.

Baekhyun flopped down on his bed, feeling his phone buzzing in his pocket. Annoyed, he fished out for his devise.

brat has sent you 4 text messages!

The shorter groaned as he unlocked his phone to check what Sehun wanted.

brat: wtf

brat: why is there a ferrari in front of your house????

brat: is it one of your sugar daddies or something?

brat: goddammit byun baekhyun answer me

Baekhyun chuckled, as if Sehun could hear him or see him right now.

bacon: that's none of your business you impolite fuck!!

The latter smirked triumphantly at his clever response as he waited for Sehun to respond back to him.

Except he didn't reply.

Baekhyun got a bit worried since the maknae normally replied one second after he texted him but he shrugged it off, thinking he was probably busy with his homework or something.

(sorry this one's a bit shorter than the others, the next chapter will be longer! I promise! also i know i'm late but happy birthday jongdae! i love you!)

To Be Continued...

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