3 | I'm Chanyeol

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Baekhyun suddenly jerked up, his eyes wide open.

What the fuck was that?!

He remembered every little detail from the dream he just had, he, who normally forgets what he just dreamed about as soon as his eyes opened.

He remembered it oh so clearly, the stranger's face, their kiss.. Everything. It creeped Baekhyun out a little bit in a way.

"Who was that guy..-"

The latter stared down at his bed, he was sweating. He normally never sweats in his sleep, especially considering he sleeps with the fan on-

Baekhyun didn't hesitate to call Sehun, he gave the clock on his bedside table a quick glanced as he brought his phone up to his ear with a shaky hand.


He was about to hang up when he heard a low groan on the other end.

[The fuck do you.. want at this unholy hour..?]

[I-I had a really weird dream.. There was this guy and-]

[It was just a fucking dream?!]

[I-It felt so real tho..]

[It's 2 in the morning, let me have my beauty sleep.]

Sehun hung up.

That asshole! I'm gonna kill him tomorrow.. Well, later today-

His next idea was to call Jongin, that guy stays up all night playing Overwatch anyways.. Baekhyun's finger hovered over to Jongin's name, pressing the call button hesitantly.

After a few rings, he finally picked up. But Jongin wasn't the one that answered-


It sounded like Kyungsoo. But what was Kyungsoo doing with Jongin's phone?


[What do you want?]

[Is Jongin there?]

[No. Go away.]

Before Baekhyun could spit out another word, the other end went silent.

"Fuck it."

He muttered, sliding his pink slipper on and rushed over to his neighbor's house, Sehun.

The latter kept on ringing the doorbell until a grumpy Sehun finally arrived to open it.

"What do you fucking want?" The taller stood in front of the door, blocking it like a big ass wall.

"May I come in?" Baekhyun looked up at the younger, like this was a casual hour to swing by a friend's house.

"I asked first, answer my question." Sehun was already started to get annoyed, of all times, why did it have to be this hour? He thought to himself with a loud sigh.

"I wanna tell you about my dream."

"Not this shit again.." The younger turned around, massaging this temples delicately to try to ease off the annoyance. "What? You wanna sleep here too or something?" He finished, with a mocking smile.

"Can I?" Baekhyun smiled, if he slept over at his friend's place, he could tell Sehun about his dream with every single detail.

"I was joking. I know you wouldn't let me sleep if crash here tonight. So.. Just tell me about your stupid dream and go back home, okay?"

Sehun knows him too well and now it's starting to bother Baekhyun. Who knows, he might use all the info he know as blackmail sooner or later?

"Okay!" The shorter said, smiling ear-to-ear. The moment Sehun made any sudden movements to let Baekhyun enter, the boy hurriedly squeezed himself inside and ran to the younger's room. Sehun only sighed, he knew this was a bad idea but he was sure Baekhyun wouldn't leave him alone otherwise.

After about 1 hour of exampling the dream, or better, Sehun almost dozing off to Baekhyun telling him a bedtime story.

"So that's it.."

"Do you have any idea who that guy was?"

"Nope." Baekhyun frowned, but even tho he didn't know who he was, he remembered perfectly how he looked like.

"Can you go home now? You already told me your dream, plus we have school in like 3 hours-" The taller said as he was already walking the older out.

"Fine.." Baekhyun muttered while pouting, following Sehun to the front door. "Can I not stay here?"

"No." He groaned as he slammed the door on Baekhyun's face.

The latter sighed and stumbled back to his house. Tho, when he laid back down on his bed, he wasn't tired at all. Believe me, he tried to fall asleep, but his eyes wouldn't close. So he just stayed there till he actually had to get up for school.

"Byun Baekhyun.."

"Byun Baekhyun.."


The latter finally snapped back into reality, after the teacher had repeated his name for the 4th time-


Giggles could be heard from every corner of the class as the teacher continued doing attendance.

The dream might've been fucking amazing but he hadn't slept well at all, terribly actually.

Attendance was soon interrupted by the door suddenly opening with a loud crack, having every student turning their heads to see who was the late-comer, even Baekhyun himself was curious.

"Ah, I was wondering when you would show up, come in, come in." Mr. Kim gestured with his hand, smiling. The student did as instructed and entered the room silently.

Baekhyun froze as soon as he saw who it was.

It was the guy from his dream.

"Class, this is our new student. He shall be joining us starting today, care to introduce yourself?"

The taller looked at Mr. Kim, then back at the class, eyes landing right on Baekhyun.

"I'm Park Chanyeol."

His deep voice leaving everyone in utter shock, every girl in class was already drooling all over him, maybe even some boys too.

Chanyeol turned back to Mr. Kim, paying close attention to what the teacher was telling him, probably explaining how his lessons work and what not. While on the other hand, Baekhyun was still dazed, this guy was the one. Everything matched up, his height, looks and voice. He was lost in his thought without noticing he was staring at the new student.

"Byun Baekhyun, please raise your hand."

"Byun Baekhyun! Am I going to have to call your parents and tell them you can't hear properly?" Mr. Kim repeated, angrily.

"No, sir.." He whispered as he raised his hand half way out of embarrassment.

"You'll be sitting behind Byun Baekhyun, if you decide you want to sit somewhere else later, please come to me and we'll see what we can do."

Chanyeol simply nodded, walking over to his new desk. As he was passing by Baekhyun's desk, he flashed a quick smile at the boy and a wink. Like Luhan did his dream. The latter glanced at the door in the back of the class when Luhan suddenly passed by. Baekhyun gulped softly, this has to be all one big coincidence.

Mr. Kim returned to attendance after, hopefully, the final interruption.

Baekhyun made sure the teacher wasn't looking when he threw a paper ball at Sehun. When the angered boy searched around to see who had thrown that, he noticed Baekhyun gazing at him, signaling him to step outside for a second.

To Be Continued..

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