Chapter 6

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Arrow instead was laying atop Falcon, pointing her sharp dagger at his throat.

"I believe my friend said to leave. Not attack him." Arrow growled. Falcon spat at Arrow's face. "Herbs. The same annoying tribe that my tribe killed." Arrow flinched. Falcon grinned evilly. "You could take revenge on my tribe right now. Kill me now. I dare you." Arrow's hand trembled. The dagger got closer and closer to his throat; she pressed against his throat hard enough to draw blood. But Arrow couldn't do it. She retracted her knife and slid it into its sheath.

"Weak." Falcon spat. He got off the barn floor. All the dragons in the surrounding stalls growling at the white-haired man. Night stepped out of the stall with the rest of the family, including Butterfly, and formed a circle around Arrow and Hiccup, protecting them from Falcon. Night roared at Falcon, and got a plasma beam ready to shoot. Falcon's face was full of anger and irritation. He stepped into his dragon's stall and brought out his Light Fury. Arrow gasped. The Light Fury was riddled with scars, his face muzzled and his hind legs dimly glowing the colors of the sunset. Night's plasma beam faded away, and stepped back. She stared at Dusk, the Light Fury, in shock. But before Night could say anything, Falcon yanked on Dusk's leash, and they walked away. Dusk's head hanging low, feet dragging against the floor.

"I'm worried about Mom, Astrid...." Arrow fiddled with her fingers as Astrid comforted her and Arrow's siblings and dragon. For the past hour Night had been in the same stall as the Light Fury's residing place, sobbing as silently as she could. Crow and Silver were sitting next to each other, conversing with each other about the mysterious dragon. Stardust and Hydro were out catching fish, Shadow was attempting to comfort his mother, and Butterfly was out who knows where doing what. Astrid sighed. "I'm sure she'll be fine. Night is a strong dragon." Arrow smiled at Astrid weakly.

"I'm just worried about Mom. She's never acted like this ever. Not even when I accidentally ate poisonous berries." Arrow sighed and stared at the wall of the stall. Arrow heard a knock on the door; Astrid opened the door and Arrow heard Fishlegs voice, muffled from all the thoughts running through her head.

If only I could go back to my island...

"Arrow!" Arrow sat up and looked up at Astrid. "What?" Astrid sighed. "Hiccup's worried about an attack. The Hashim Tribe is particularly violent, so we have to be prepared to defend ourselves just in case.


"They're more intense."

"Oh. Should I come with you?"

"Yep. Come on. Let's go." Arrow stood up and followed Fishlegs and Astrid out of the stall. Arrow cast one last worried glance at the stall next door before disappearing around the corner.

Time Skip

"So. Can you do that Arrow?" Hiccup asked. Arrow nodded her head. "Yeah. I can do that."

"Great. We start training tomorrow. Meeting dismissed." Everyone rushed out the Great Hall to ensure a good night's sleep before training tomorrow. Arrow stepped out into the fresh, night air and sighed.

"What's wrong, Arrow?" Arrow spun around and was greeted with the sight of Hiccup. She waved him off, "I'm fine. Just thinking about Mom."

"Don't worry. I'm sure whatever she's going through will be over soon." Arrow nodded weakly. Astrid came out of the Great Hall and clasped hands with Hiccup. Hiccup smiled and pecked Astrid on the cheek. Arrow walked off, waving goodbye to the couple.

Arrow arrived at her family's stall and creaked the door open and saw her family asleep, Night's spot empty. Arrow tip-toed her way over to Butterfly and draped his wing over her small body. She sighed in contentment and for a night, just forgot about all her troubles.

Arrow (How to Train Your Dragon Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن