Chapter 5

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     1 month later

     Arrow had settled in quite well. Astrid and Hiccup taught Arrow English together, which could be quite frustrating at times, considering Arrow was very child-like. Snotlout makes advances on Arrow but with great failure. But that doesn't change the fact that he is a great combat teacher. He taught Arrow how to defend herself using quite a variety of weapons, including her now polished dagger. The shiny dagger now seemed to glow in the sun, the Herb Trademark proudly engraved into the daggers hilt and sheath. Fishlegs had taught Arrow everything else she needed to know about dragons, teaching her about Nadders and the such. Tuffnut and Ruffnut...well they didn't teach her anything useful. It was mostly teaching her how to prank people. Let's just say that Hiccup and Astrid weren't exactly happy when they found Arrow lacing some beer with spicy powders with Tuffnut and Ruffnut wrestling in the background.

     Other than that, things have been going pretty well. Arrow's also picked up on her dragon tongue, improving and being able to have very long conversations with them. Butterfly's also been doing pretty well. Everyone seems to love him, well, everyone but Crow. No one knows why he hates Butterfly but I guess that's just how the apple falls from the tree.

    Arrow was walking down the crowded street, holding two very heavy buckets full of fish. People were constantly bumping into Arrow, making her a bit frustrated; she was starting to regret not bring Butterfly with her. Her hands were aching from the thin, wooden handle digging into her fingers and the market was quite far away from the Dragon Barn. Arrow groaned and turned right, entering a small alleyway next to the fruit stand. She let the buckets filled to the brim with fish fall to the ground with a loud thunk. Arrow rubbed her red fingers with her hands and sighed with relief as the pain began to ebb away. She mentally prepared her fingers as she picked up the large buckets with her hands. She winced; the handle just seemed to dig into her flesh even more after the small massage she gave her fingers. She walked back into the street, desperate to get to the barn, so she could finally put down the buckets for good.

     Arrow walked into the barn, the buckets dragging against the stone floor. Arrow stopped in front of her family's stall and kicked open the wooden door that stood in her way.

     "I'm back! I got fish! Next time, you're fishing. This was extremely exhausting." Arrow proclaimed. Everyone turned their heads towards Arrow, The sound of teeth coming out and hungry growls could be heard in the stall. Arrow tipped the buckets over and dead fish spilt onto the floor. Everyone leaped towards the fish, hungry for food. Only Butterfly and Crow didn't move. Butterfly had already eaten that day, large lamb chops from Fishlegs, and Crow couldn't see. Arrow walked over to Butterfly and got comfortable, waiting for her family to hash out who would get what. After a bit of fighting and bad words tossed around everyone settled down with their respective amount of fish.

     "So. How's learning with those humans going?" Night asked, chomping down on her food. Arrow smiled broadly while rubbing Butterfly's tail wings. "I've been learning so much! I learned about something called contractions! I used it in my first sentence!" Hydro nodded, clearly engrossed in the story because the markings around his eyes brightly glowed.

     "I also learned how to throw an axe! It's sooooo heavy but so much fun!" Arrow squealed. Crow put his claws over his antennas and Shadow hissed at her. "Quiet down, Arrow!" He glared at Arrow. Or, more like the space between Arrow and Stardust, but it was clearly directed at Arrow. She smiled sheepishly at Crow. "Sorry, Crow. Got carried away. Anywaaaaaays, I also learned about more dragon tongue!"

     The fiery-redheaded girl let out a series of growls and little roars. "Seeeeeeeeeee! I learned how to speak dragon tongue more! I can now speak dragon more fluently! Yay! Can you hear?" Everyone, but Crow and Shadow, gave her a lopsided smile. Arrow grinned broadly and continued to talk with them more, telling them what she had learned that day...

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