Chapter 1

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"How does that look?" A girl places a delicate, pink flower crown on top of the Shadow Fury's, a mixture between a Night Fury and a Light Fury coloring, head. The large dragon continues to sleep while a silvery Shadow Fury shows a toothy, dragon smile to the girl, showing that he liked the flower crown. The blue-eyed girl beamed at the silver dragon's answer. She rubs the silver dragons head. "Thanks, Silver! At least someone appreciates my hard work."

The sleeping dragon opened a single eye and turned away from the girl. The light gray dragon, Silver, growled. "Don't worry about him, Arrow. He's a meanie." The girl, Arrow, giggles at Silver, and Silver smiles. The dark, gray, sleeping Fury turns towards them and growls. "I can still hear you, you know." Arrow sticks out her tongue at the dark, gray dragon. "Well, it's true, Crow." Crow rolled his eyes as best as he could since his eyes were a milky white all around. In other words, he was blind. Arrow hears a snap in the woods, indicating one of her traps caught something.

"I have to go check my traps. See you later!" She waved bye to her siblings and walked towards her traps, wetting her bare feet in the morning dew. She walked towards the cave and grabbed an empty basket she crudely made by the cave's entrance. When she finally reached one of her traps, she found a squirrel in the trap, chittering away angrily. She cheered silently in her head; she opened the cage carefully and nabbed the squirrel. She quickly snapped its neck, making the animal go to sleep and tossed the sleeping critter into her basket. She checked all her traps and when she finished, she had quite the assortment of small critters to skin and eat. Or de-pluck if it was a bird. She walked back towards the cave where she and her family slept in. She stopped at the entrance and stoked a small fire. She then entered the cave, greeted her mom, and made quick work of the small critters.

She drew out her dagger and skinned the squirrels, chipmunks, and voles. Arrow then cleaned the bloody skins in a stream running through the cave further down. The blue-eyed girl then hung the skins on a string she put up years ago and then de-plucked the small birds. Arrow placed the feathers on top of the ever-growing pile of feathers. She then proceeded to scoop out the intestines of the animals with her hands and place them in a separate pile. Then, she put the animals in a basket. She placed the animals intestines in front of her mom, Night, knowing she would wake up and be hungry. Arrow went outside; she places the edible parts of the animals on a rack over the fire she made earlier. Then, she heads back into the cave and washes her hands in the salt-free stream. After that, she went to the woods to collect some fruits and roots. The short, red-haired girl was delighted to find ripe strawberries and potatoes in the woods. Arrow put the basket of strawberries and fruits near the fire, covered the crudely made basket with rabbit furs she had, cut the potatoes and other roots in half with her dagger, and placed them next to the animals on the fire. Then, the most dreaded part of the day, milking a goat.

Arrow loves drinking milk! Don't get her wrong. Milk were on the sweeter end of food available on the island. It's just that...the goats were super, duper mean. She sighs and takes an apple from her basket, a rabbit skin, and tosses the apple up and down while walking toward the goat-infested area of the island.

Time Skip

She walks away with her rabbit skin filled with sweet, goat milk. She drinks a bit of the warm milk and sighs happily. To Arrow there was a creaminess and sweetness to goat's milk that made her love to drink it. She downs the rest of the milk and skips happily to a brook. Arrow cleans the rabbit skin thoroughly, and then walks back towards the cave. She goes into her part of the cavern and uses her knife to cut away the soft part of the feathers and lines her bed with it. The trademark of mint leaves with an aura surrounding it on the knife was dull with age. She throws the hard stems into a corner, planning to feed it to the fire later. After the long process, it's near the end of the afternoon. She slides the dagger back into the sheath. Gathering the hard stems, she walks towards the exit of the cave and sees her mother chewing on the intestines as a late lunch. She throws the quills into the fire; the red flames leap up towards the wood rack before simmering down again. Arrow spots Stardust, a light fury with markings around her red eyes, and runs towards her. The girls bright, long, red hair flies out behind her while she runs. Arrow jumps upon the unsuspecting Light Fury's stomach, and Stardust jumps a little at the weight suddenly on her stomach.

"Hey, Stardust!"

"Hi, Arrow! I smell your food cooking."

"Yeah, yeah. You can have some." Stardust smiles at the tiny girl on top of her.

"Where is everyone?" Arrow asks, getting off and sitting on her bottom. Stardust lets out a purr. "Shadow and Hydro are out hunting for fish still. Mom is in the cave, probably eating away on the guts you gave her. Crow and Silver were with you earlier this morning, and I finished fishing for my lunch, so I'm just basking in the sun's rays." Arrow nods her head absentmindedly.

"Wanna go scare Silver and Crow?" Stardust suddenly asks, a playful glint in her eyes. Arrow smiles deviously. "Yes."

Time Skip

Silver's yellow eyes are full of joy as he tells everyone a silly joke. Shadow's light, gray eyes blink, him not being amused by his joke, while Hydro's ocean blue eyes are filled with joy. The markings around his eyes glowing a soft blue, showing he was happy. Night is laying on the coarse sand smiling at her son's joke, eating away at her fish. Her bright, purple eyes showing pride in her son. Stardust and Arrow are having a girl talk while they chow down on the roasted animals she had caught earlier. Night finishes her dinner and stands up, shaking sand off her black scales and her gray hind legs in the process. "Alright, kids. Time to sleep."

Stardust whines in annoyance but complies and quickly finishes her fish and bird dinner. Shadow and Hydro stand up and shake sand off their black pelts. Silver and Crow follow suit, except with their light gray and dark gray pelts. Silver attempts to lead the blind dragon to the cave, but Crow shrugs him off, sensing the way back with his sensitive antenna. Arrow finished her fruit dessert and threw the bones of her dinner into the dying fire on the beach. They all walk back to the cave in a few seconds and go inside. They all create a flame circle around them while Arrow goes to her section of the cave, which isn't that far from the sleeping Furies. Arrow crawls onto her soft, animal pelt sheet that lay on the cave floor. She pulls up her fur blanket made from various animals and falls into a memory of the past, a nightmare.

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