Chapter 45: Day 4

Start from the beginning

“I am a doppelganger. That means I am connected to her. I know how she thinks and I know what she would want me to do. Before she died she managed to have a lot of power. She’s using that power to draw me to the spell. It’s like I have a whole other person in my head trying to control my actions. I tried to look for a spell to get rid of it, but she stopped me.”

“That must mean a spell exists to get rid of her power in your mind and she doesn’t want you to find it.”

“Don’t worry about me. Please, concentrate on the war. Have the bodyguards and your parents watch me for now. I think I can hold her off. Worry about me later.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded, “I’ll try my hardest.”

“Good,” I smiled, “Now that that is settled I better go.”

                        We walked back to the dining room where sure enough, Pilote waited for me. My parents were finishing up their breakfast. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head against his chest. I thought about the conversation I had with Miranda knowing Pilote read my mind.

Do you really think it’s possible?

She seemed genuine.

That would explain the mood swings. That would also explain how persistent she is about that spell.

Topanga’s friend still came back; she just came back in Miranda’s mind.

Now she needs the spell to get her body back.


Layal wants to see us.

I thought she was going this afternoon?

After talking with her family she changed her mind and just wants to leave now.

I sighed, okay.

“Everything alright?” My mom asked.

I pulled away from Pilote, “Yeah we have to go upstairs to say goodbye to Layal.”

“She’s up there waiting with a few of the soldiers,” Pilote explained.

Both my parents nodded.

“I’ll try to come down before we leave,” I told my parents, “But if I don’t then I promise we’ll try our hardest to get everyone their freedom.”

“Just be careful,” mom told me, “and good luck.”

I smiled, “Thank you. I love you both.”

“We love you too.”

                        I walked with Pilote back up to our house and up the stairs again to the meeting and through the bookcase to the room of rulers. Layal already had her packet of papers and her backpack set and ready to go.

“Are you sure you want to go now?” I asked her. “Why the change of mind?”

She shrugged, “Just something my parents said.”

“Okay,” I nodded, “and you know the rules?”

“Yes, I’ve got it.”

“Okay,” I smiled, “Good luck. We’ll meet you there.”

She hugged me quickly, “Thank you Rolla, for everything.”

“You don’t need to thank me.”

“I will anyway.”

“We’ll see you during the battle,” Pilote said.

She nodded, “See you then.”

                        She left within seconds. It never got easier to say goodbye to the chosen ones before they left. I wonder how they’re doing. I wonder how Nikki is doing. I hope she convinced the Silthra. This plan has to work. We’ve put so much planning and so much thinking into it. Everything is on the line and we’re only a day away from the battle. I hope I can handle it.

“You can,” Pilote told me. “We both can.”

I smiled at him, “You think so?”

“Yeah,” he nodded. “One way or another, the Tigmas won’t be in hiding for much longer.”

“Good,” I took a deep breath. “Can we go watch TV or something?”

“Stressed?” he asked and led me down the stairs.

“Yeah it’s just a mixture of emotions. I don’t know. I guess it’s just nerves.”

“We can watch TV for a while. Now that the rest of the chosen ones have left there’s nothing else we can do. The war is officially out of our hands.”

“It may be out of our hands, but hopefully it’s not out of our control.”

                        I wandered down to the living and called out Snow’s name a few times. That cat cannot stay still. Ever since I got her she wanders around all of Murera. I’m sure everybody knows her by now. She walked slowly out of my room, stretching before approaching me. I picked her up and held her to me.

“Hey, do you miss everyone too?”

                        I sat with her on the couch and she spread herself across my lap and Pilote’s. I chuckled and continued petting her.

“She’s a pretty popular cat.”

“She is,” I agreed. “Why do you think she came up to me that day in town?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe she didn’t have a home and she felt connected to us. We are part cat after all, it would make sense that she would want to be around people like her.”

“I feel like she just chose me, you know? Like, I have this connection with her or something. I don’t know, maybe it’s stupid, but she doesn’t just seem like a pet. She acts like a person. She walks around Murera visiting with the Tigmas like the entire city is her home.”

“Maybe it is her home.”

“I guess, I just feel like something else is going on with Snow.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually, and if you don’t then maybe it’s meant to stay a mystery.”

“You’re right,” I smiled down at Snow, “besides, she is a pretty great cat. We gave her a home.”


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