Chapter 33: Gods Samoulte Connection

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Chapter 33: Gods Samoulte Connection

“I think you should relax for the night,” Topanga suggested.

“I agree,” Pilote said. “You need to stay in here tonight.”

“But there’s so much to do.”

Pilote shook his head, “Everyone else can handle that tonight.”

“Okay,” I sighed.

“It’s okay,” Topanga smiled. “I’ll go out and make sure they’re handling everything okay?”

“Thank you,” I smiled. “That makes me feel better.”

“I’ll go check on them real quick now,” Pilote said.

He tried to stand up to leave but I quickly pulled him back down.

“Don’t leave,” I told him.

“I’ll give you just a little more time with Topanga.”

“I don’t want you to leave either,” I said.

He smiled, “I’ll stay then.”

“Thank you.”

He sat back down on the bed next to me and kissed my head, “You’re welcome.”

“What are you going to watch?” Topanga asked.

“How about reading the story of Caprika and Odyss?” I suggested. “I’ve never heard the whole story.”

Topanga smiled, “I’ll let you two be. Enjoy the story.”

“Thank you again,” I smiled back at her.

“I’m always here,” she promised. “I understand.”

                        Topanga went out to find the chosen ones and Pilote went over to the bookshelf and found the story of Caprika and Odyss. It’s a separate book from the main history of the Tigmas. I think my mom gave it to me while I was moving some stuff in here. She thought I would like the story, but I forgot to read it. I’m rather interested to hear about their story considering they keep coming into my dreams to talk to me. It’s only fair I know their full story too. Pilote sat back down next to me and started reading.

The Legend of Caprika and Odyss

                        The Tigmas were created a long time ago when the Tigrera and Maror were the only people roaming the earth; when everyone had a soul mate of the same race. Where every race had their own land and Tigrera and Maror were enemies.

                        Caprika was a 16 year old princess of Tigrera, born with curiosity. The King and Queen forbade her to go past the castle gates. She had to wait until the right suitor came along to be a ruler by her side. Odyss was the 17 year old prince of Maror; a spoiled boy that got everything he wanted. He could go anywhere in the kingdom as long as he had his care taker at his side. As soon to be rulers of their countries, Caprika and Odyss were held in towers at the top of their castles. The only thing separating them was the forest.

                        It all started one day when Caprika snuck out of the gate and went exploring into the forest; the same forest that bordered both countries. Odyss went shopping in town that same day and snuck away from his care taker into the forest. He too, was sick of his parents’ rules, although there were few. They both ran and ran trying to get farther away from their lands. Their eyes met suddenly as they both reached their border. Their destines were far greater than those castle walls that kept them in. They broke the law of the land right from the start.

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