14: I've Been Waiting for you

Start from the beginning

Olivia glanced over to her watch. "Oh it's already past 11. We should be going if you want to see everything." She suggested. Olivia looked over to her eldest brother, Nate, and motioned to get him to pay. Nate and Olivia stood up and headed to the entrance counter to pay.
"So where do you wanna go first?" James asked Sophie to distract them.
Sophie looked over to Sky. "How about we go whatever is the closest?"
"Okay then! That will be Radio City I guess then then Rockefeller." James replied. He was the first to stand up. Everyone else soon followed. The remaining 4 walked over to the exit wherein Nate and Olivia where already waiting.
Donna went closer to Nate and Olivia. She patted Nate on the shoulder. "You didn't have to pay for breakfast. I could've done that." She smiled.
"Don't worry about it Donna. Our credit cards are all connected to our parents' accounts." Olivia explained.
James started giggling. "Who's money did you use? Mom's or Dad's?" He asked Nate. "Or did you use Miranda's?" He looked to Olivia who was now looking at the stoplight. Nate smirked. Donna was now glaring at them. They shouldn't have used their mothers money to pay for breakfast. Donna wasn't comfortable with the idea of the kids taking advantage of their mothers like that; even if, according to Sam, that was the only thing Loraine and Miranda were good for.
"We used Dad's. We just wanted to annoy you a little bit." Nate bursted into laughter. James was chuckling and Olivia was too.
Donna pouted. "Don't do that to me! I was genuinely nervous."
"Sorry Donna! You're part of the family now, and one of the things we Carmichaels kids love to do is mess with our mothers." Olivia said without thinking.
Everyone froze for a second. Olivia had somehow called Donna their mother. Donna was shocked. She wasn't upset or angry. She was just in shocked. She wasn't expecting the kids to like her so quickly. Everything seemed to have stopped in that moment. However, Nate glaring at Olivia didn't go unnoticed by Donna. She wanted to say something but Olivia had already spoken again. "What I meant to say was we love to annoy Lorraine and my mom." Olivia tried to explain herself.

James however wasn't as annoyed as the eldest Carmichael. "We all know what you meant Liv." He smiled. "Donna is technically our mom too now." He placed his arm around Donna. "Let me be the first to say. Welcome to the family Donna." James was over the moon. He had wanted to say that since last night. He had planned to start a toast during the supposed dinner party to welcome Donna.
Olivia too was happy. She has always been very close to her father, and she was always the first one to witness how heartbroken Sam was every moment that he wasn't with Donna. She knew that Sam and Donna deserved to be with each other. There was nothing better than to have them finally together. "We're all Carmichaels."

Donna was speechless. She loved Sam's children. In the little time that she had gotten to know them, she was already sure that they would get along. It was just so easy to find her way into their family. It was easy for Sophie and Sky too. They all looked good together. It was the picture perfect family that Donna had dreamed of as a kid. She had a terrific and gorgeous husband, an amazing daughter, a kind soon to be son-in-law, a intelligent step-son, another fun step-son and the most adorable step-daughter. This was just perfect. However, she still had a part of her heart that was just begging the universe for Sam to be Sophie's biological father. Seeing her with her step-siblings, or possible half brothers and sister, right now made her heart beg a little bit more.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but we really should get going if we want to make it to the thing we planned on time. Plus Dad texted me a few minutes ago that Ruby will be joining us at 5 at the brownstone." Nate said nonchalantly. Although, he didn't even care for a response. He was already leading the way to Radio City.

James walked a little faster to catch up to Nate. Donna was certain that the two boys would bicker about James sweet initiative. Not far behind them was Sophie and Sky. They had already pulled out their camera and was starting to take pictures of each other. Donna and Olivia trailed behind the young couple.

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