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[Momo's POV]

Ambulance came and took Jeongyeon away.

I went back to the children and pack our things.

I then told the children that we need to go and I took a cab there.

I informed Chaeyoung to help Jeongyeon pick up his car and drive back home.

When I reach the hospital, Jeongyeon was already in the surgery room.

Red light is on which means surgery is on-going.

"Mummy, why are we here?" Jaeyong asked and I hugged the both of them.

"Something happened to daddy and doctor is saving him inside... Let's just wait here until the doctor come out..." I said and they nodded.

Then, hours and hours have passed but the surgery is still on-going.

Jaeyong and Eunjung is exhausted so the both of them fell asleep.

My mind keep flashing the scene when Jeongyeon was knocked by the car.

"Please... Protect him..." I mumbled and tears start to flow down.

And finally, after 9 hours of surgery, the doctor came out and removed his mask.

"How is he doctor?" I asked as I stood in front of the doctor.

"His condition is now stable but I'm afraid that he might suffer from amnesia due to the severe impact on his head." Doctor said and I feel my knees go weak.

"What's the percentage?" I asked.

"60 to 40." Doctor said and I closed my eyes for a while to digest what he just said.

"Thank you doctor..." I said and he left.

'Amnesia? What if he forgets about me? What if he forgets about the children? What is he forgets about... us...' I thought.

I sat back down on the seat and put my hands together.

"Please god... Don't let anything happen to him... All I want is just him... I don't request more so please... let miracle happen..." I said and took in a deep breath.

I wipe my tears and wake the children up.

"Let's go to daddy's ward." I said and they sat up tiredly.

We walked to his ward and the children went to Jeongyeon.

"Mummy, why is daddy sleeping here? Why he doesn't want to go back home and sleep?" Eunjung asked.

"Something happen to daddy and he needs to stay here so that doctor can help him." I said and they faced Jeongyeon.

"Daddy, don't sleep for too long. We want you to go back with us and all of us can sleep together." Eunjung said and I hold back my tears.

"Daddy will... Don't worry..." I said but deep down inside,

'I don't even know when will he wake up...' I thought.

"Are you hungry? Want to eat?" I asked and they nodded.

I then brought them to the coffee shop at the first level and order food for them.

"Mummy, don't you want to eat?" Jaeyong asked and I shook my head.

"It's okay... I don't feel like eating..." I said.

After they finish eating, I got Chaeyoung to come and take them.

"Please take care of them for me..." I said and he nodded.

He then left with Eunjung and Jaeyong.

I went back to Jeongyeon's ward and sat on a chair beside his bed.

"Jeongyeon-ah... Please wake up as soon as possible... I will only allow you to sleep for 1 day..." I said and held his hand.

I realize that his lips are dry so I took a cotton bud and a cup of water.

I dip the cotton bud into the water and tap it on Jeongyeon's lips so that it won't be so dry.

I then held his hand and sat back down on the chair.

I keep looking at him until I fell asleep.

[No one's POV]

After Momo fell asleep, Jeongyeon's finger moved.

He opened his eyes and blink a few times to focus his vision.

He then look down at Momo and press the button for the nurse to come in.

The nurse came in and help him check his body.

After that, the nurse left and Jeongyeon laid back down on the bed.

"Why am I doing here?" Jeongyeon asked himself and glanced down at Momo.

"Probably she knows." Jeongyeon said and went back to sleep.

The next morning

Momo woke up to a nightmare of Jeongyeon's accident.

"Jeongyeon!" Momo shouted and opened her eyes.

She was sweating a lot and she took a deep breath.

She took a piece of tissue and wipe her sweats.

She then went to the washroom and splash some water to her face.

After that, she went out and saw Jeongyeon looking at her.

"Jeongyeon-ah!" Momo called and run towards him.

She hugged him and cried on his chest.

"Are you feeling okay? Do you feel unwell?" Momo asked while examining his body.

"Who are you?" Jeongyeon asked and Momo froze.

She look at him at disbelief and chuckled.

"You don't know who am I? I'm your wife... I'm Momo, Hirai Momo." Momo said but Jeongyeon frowned.

"My wife? Impossible... Then what about Nayeon?" Jeongyeon said and Momo's knees trembled.

"Nayeon? You remembered her?" Momo said while holding back her tears.

She can't believe that Jeongyeon forget about her and only remember Nayeon.

"Of course. She's my girlfriend." Jeongyeon said and Momo let her tears flow down.

"Then what about Jaeyong? What about Eunjung? Do you remember them?" Momo asked and Jeongyeon give a confuse look.

"Who are they? Your friends?" Jeongyeon asked and Momo shook her head.

"They are our children... How can you forget about us?" Momo said.

"Whatever... I don't care. Where's Nayeon? Can you find her for me?" Jeongyeon said and Momo does out of his ward.

Momo run to a park nearby the hospital and cry her hearts out.

She then fish out her phone and called Mina.

"He forget about me..." Momo said and the other line exclaimed.

"Then what about Chaeyoung? Does he remember him?"

"I don't know... I didn't ask him..."


"Because all he remember is Nayeon... There's no me in our conversation earlier..."

What will Momo do for Jeongyeon to remember her? Stay tune then!
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