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Everything is blue,
Your shirt and your jeans,
The more that I know you,
The more colours I'll be seen.

Your pale white skin,
Matches your sweet pink cheeks,
Maybe you won't fit in,
And maybe you'll get kicked.

Beauty nude on cherry lips,
Black is the colour that made me scared,
Red wine,two more sips,
Your heart is breaking,but no one cared.

Your smoke is grey,
So is your hair,
You can't speak as you may,
But hunny,let it out and share.

Purple bruised and deep new scars,
Black and white the only things they see,
But they forgot about the yellow stars,
There are a lot of colour more than these.

Blue is he and pink is she,
Why do you need to define genders by what you see?
What if pink is he and blue is she,
I know you wouldn't believe in me.

Bring you down,blow your light,
Another black spark you can't shut,
Just show your rainbow self with pride,
'Cause hunny,love wins no matter what.

Blue and yellow will make new green,
Red pimples on your chin,
Big wide nose on brown skin,
Be proud,you're pretty,lift up your chin.

Each one of a king,even the ruler and the leader,
Every red blood that drops,just getting sweeter,
You hate them,then who's your saviour?
You think you've made a right choice?Then why the war still occurred?

You tried to find sunlight in a grey dark sky,
Go on,try harder,you'll find it,I knew,
But let me tell you about the hidden lie,
Don't try too hard,just enjoy the view.



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