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'My Heart is His'

He resides here in my heart,
Every inch of the space,there was his art,
Decorated with only the things that are his,
Even with his single touch that felt like a forever kiss.

It gives him comfort and a finally happy home,
A reason for him to stay, a reason for him to never again roam,
The carnations in vases around his place,
When roses are no longer my rubies that would fill up the space.

His name was carved at the entrance,
In capital,in bold and his character's resemblance,
His scent's embedded there, every corner of the room,
His love and his trust which no one can assume.

The way he painted the wall with the colour of my favourite,
The way he calls me by his name when in private,
The way his eyes lit up when meeting mine,
The way his heart beats faster when I'm in line.

No one can replace what has been fixed,
His wraith will linger, permanently exist,
If he ever leaves, the wall will be turning blue,
It will be forever locked, nothing will be new.

If one day he decides to go,
Please for a while, stay one night more,
The fireplace will never be light up,
The moment he dims it and I finally give up.



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