I Wont Let You Down

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Foxy's POV

As mangle got pulled out the door and it was locked Cindy started to bring Chester to a table to fix him and Cody, Lillie, and Owen left as fast as the could. I was about to cry when I told myself no I am finding her I asked candy if there is any other back exits he lead me to one and it was in a alleyway. I seen a broken fence in the shape or a dog and something else so I followed it duh. It lead to a door to a restaurant when I went in a black hog pointed a gun at my head, but I had fast resources I grabbed the gun out of his hand before he shoot it and blew his head off.

Mangle was tied up In a chair and some horse robot was guarding it I ran tword the dog and another pig I kicked them and they hit me in my gut it was a hard fight, but in the end one of them was in 10 prices turned off and the other one was suffocating in a wall. At this point I realized wow I have killed 4 robots I don't fell bad about it I am not a murder but they deserved it. I united Mangle and she hugged me and said "th-thank you foxy -I love you" she blushed and so did i I walked out the ground off the place by breaking down the door but before I did that i took the rope and tied all four of the guy's plus the horse who right now has no legs and oil is gushing everywhere.

As I walked out I had a bunch of police see me with mangle in my arms and guns pointed at me. "It's ok officers I handled it" one went inside and looked at all they people when I seen a poster on the side of a poll that said 5 robots got lose do you know where bubbas band Is? There dead that's where I laughed to myself as I walked to the back of the crowd and found everyone of are friends in a group looking worried. Chi freaked out and ran over to mangle I set mangle down and see could stand then Chi and Mangle hugged. When we got to the pizzeria Mangle did something surprising she kissed me on the lips I did back and when we pulled apart we both smiled but we heard a click of a photo from a phone...


Well ant got much to say but the next chapter is back to normal (literally a huge lie nothing is ever normal) but hope you like Nd I will cya all next time buyyy!!!

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