The Outside World

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Foxy's POV

I wake up and get ready for the day. As I walk out to the party room everyone was there and I realized I must have slept in, and at that time I don't know what got in to me but I just asked "have you guys ever been outside"? No one said anything so I guessed it was a no so I asked "why don't we go outside"? I didn't think it would be a problem so me Mangle Chi Bonnie and Freddy walked to the door and opened it they have before they just never went outside. As I stepped out I could fell the air run through me wires and it was a huge place like plaza with a park in the center and shops around it.

Some on the stores/restaurants names were Candys Burgers and Fries, Bubbas Diner, Vollys Arcade, Popgose pizzeria, and Rachel's Restaurant. I was born and you know what I do when I am bored? Example, so I started to walk around the park and me and mangle just chilled sitting on the bench the park was kinda huge so might as well think about it. There was a lake small but like a pond with people fishing a path that is x shaped and gray walls going all the way around it. As I came up with some conversion starter I wanted to ask something "Mangle I wanna ask wanna go on a date with me"? She said yes of course and we got up to go look around the place some more.


Well logic in outside did you know any of the fan game restaurants you should (wink wink) well cya all next time!

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