Chapter 3

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Foxy's POV

I got up from my spot in the corner to see what happened. I saw Freddy and Toy Freddy run into what looked like the kitchen so I followed. We got there and all sorts of sounds could be heard from inside the room. I hestaied to open this because God knows what could be inside. All I remember hearing was fire so I'm assuming it's something pretty bad. I listened one more test and heard another bang. I Burst the door open and to my surprise something read came flying at my face. It wasn't long before I was on the ground out cold with a huge bruise.

Chicas POV

I put some mittens on my hand being ready to take the pizza when it was ready. Me and Toy Chica where in the kitchen cooking up a pizza for dinner. When I went to take it out, Toy Chica hit the temp and it went full when she was about to open the stove door. There was a small explosion then the stove cought on fire. The stove door smashed agenst the ground with a load bang. Toy Chica yelled fire and obviously got other people's attention.

I saw Bonnie come bursting through the door with fire extinguisher in hand. He fumbled with it but soon turned it on and sprayed down the stove the best he could. Freddy and Toy Freddy came running in to see what was wrong and I told them "Toy Chica didn't do a vary good job at cooking in my opinion and set the stove on fire, it was a accident." I heard something outside so I walked over to the door. The door came open and there was Mangle. I crashed into her while she was holding a fire extinguisher. She let go of it and it went in the direction of the door. At that moment Foxy opened the door and got nailed in the head, down to the floor, out cold.

Mangle covered her mouth in shock. All I could do it sit and stare. That was so unexpected. Bonnie ran over Foxy to see if he was ok. What I assumed to be Marionette came in with toy Bonnie. Bonnie blurted out "Foxy needs some help right now!" She stared at Bonnie then picked up foxy and the three of them left. I looked over to Freddy and he had so much anger built up and I could see he was about to exsploed. "What did you do to him!?" Freddy yelled at Mangle. Mangle couldn't speak so I did for her. I looked Freddy in the eyes and gave him the look of be more nice. He just stared back then looked away.

(Time skips)

Toy Chicas POV

Foxy was getting repairs and rest in Marionettes work room. Me and Mangle where sitting at a table in the main room. She was looking down with purple gult of what she has done. She never ment to do it but she still took the blame. "Hey it's ok Mangle it was a accident you didn't mean to do it." She looked up and then back down still sad. I tried my best to make things better. "You wanna go see how Foxy is doing?" She hestaied but soon nodded and we headed off twords Marinette's room.

And poof this part is gone for no reason so you will understand nothing going on in the next chapter till I get to it also rewriting something takes forever you guys probably hate me for doing things unannounced random and never working things. Like all those tagged books sitting in my drafts lol. I'm a terrible writer and I want to tell  now that honestly I would not recommend reading any further than this cuz it's all two-year-olo garbage. See ya peeps!

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