Chapter 3: The Girl with the Red Hair

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Bright sunlight filtered in through the patio door and cast tawny strips of daylight onto Harry’s sleeping figure. Curly hair tangled, blue-green eyes bleary, Harry rolled over on the roomy couch. Jana was gone. Checking his phone, harry found it was only 8:30. He never got up that early, but with the bright sun shining through the doorway it was impossible to sleep and he was already too awake to go back into the bedroom and continue his sleep. Last night’s fire was a smoldering mess in the hearth, still smoking.

“Jana?” Harry called, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He could hear her nails clicking as the big dog crossed the kitchen and finally seated herself by his feet, tag swinging crazily. “Ready for some breakfast?” The dog let out a smile whine of excitement and Harry smiled and got up off the couch. Harry shared half a bowl of Mini Wheat’s with the dog, giving her the remainder of his bowl once he finished.

Next was a shower. Harry quickly stripped down out of his clothes he had traveled in and climbed into the shower sleepily. The hot water felt like heaven and he washed his hair and shaved his faced neatly. Climbing out of the shower, Harry dressed from one of his many unpacked suitcase in blue jeans, a white v-neck and a loose fitting plaid shirt, unbuttoned over his v-neck with the sleeves rolled up.

What now? Harry guessed checking out the town couldn’t be of harm, so he put on his white converse and quickly doing his curls, unlocked the front door and stepped into the early morning air. Jana followed him loyally, tail still wagging. The temperature was even cooler than the evening before and the bright blue sky was dotted with thin clouds. He had to admit, the climate on the island was far superior to the rainy, cool weather of Cheshire. Ignoring the guard, Harry set off onto the dirt path to town, the loyal lab trotting eagerly by his heels.

The small town contained a general store, a post office, grocery and several other small shops. Harry went into the general store purely out of curiosity, commanding Jana to wait by the door. The dog obeyed.

“’Ello,” Harry greeted the girl at the counter.

“You know, you can bring the dog in next time,” The girl said, not even replying, scooping brown sugar into a bin.

“Oh, ok,” Harry replied with embarrassment. “Where I come from pets aren’t allowed.”

“I understand,” the girl said. “How can I help you?”

“Oh, I’m just looking around. Since I’m new around here, I thought I’d just meet some people and get to know the town.” Harry shuffled his feet nervously.

“I’m Misty,” The girl reached her hand out, brushing her palms over her apron first. She had long blonde hair and bright golden brown eyes.

“I’m Harr-Harold,” Harry corrected himself.

“Nice to meet you,” Misty bent back over the sugar bins and continued scooping out portions. Giving her backside a quick glance, Harry turned away to browse the store. For a rural island, the girls were still pretty. Picking out a bottled soda Harry carried to the counter and paid.

“Thanks, Misty,” Harry smiled as genuinely as he could.

“You’re quite welcome, Harold,” the girl gave him a weary smile and waved as he left.

“She was fit,” Harry said under his breath as he rejoined Jana at the door. The dog gave him a quizzical look, and Harry scrubbed his knuckles across her head. “Where next?”

Without a response from the dog, Harry set off aimlessly through the town, checking out the shops. He passed several cottages on the edges of the town and continued east from his house through the town. The path continued, weaving through fields and cutting through the countryside past homes and barns.

Harry stopped on a dime when he turned a corner and entered a new avenue. On either side of the hard packed road were tightly woven cherry blossom trees in full bloom, glistening pink and white, flowers hanging heavily on the branches. Small broken off blooms fluttered down through the white air and fluttered down lazily. It was the most beautiful thing Harry had ever seen.

Slowly he advanced down the avenue, catching a blossom between his thumb and forefinger and rolling it slowly through his hand. His heart felt full and content, like he could stay there forever. As he came out the end of the avenue, Harry could see white crests breaking against the dark rocks of the island’s beach. Shucking off his sneakers and tossing them into the grass, Harry went running as fast as he could through the high dunes and grass. Jana galloped alongside him, barking crazily. Harry stumbled and rolled down a dune and ended up in a pile of sand at the bottom, laughing and fighting off Jana, who leapt on him and was intent on licking his ears.

Sitting up Harry shook the grains of sand from his locks and sat in the dune, running the sand through his fingers.

“I’ve never seen something so beautiful,” Harry patted Jana’s head, smiling madly, dimples showing. “Wanna go for a swim?” Jana leapt up and Harry followed suit, running into the breaking waves of the beach, clothes and all. Shucking off his two layers on top onto the sand he dove into the wake, tasting the saltiness of the sea on his tongue, and came up gasping for air amongst the breaking crests. Jana paddled in circles around him, howling.

Harry dove under again, pulling off his jeans and socks and lobbing them to the shore. This is how he liked to be, in the cool waves in only his undergarments. If he hadn’t been so afraid of public exposure he would have also rid himself of his boxers.

“C’mon, Jana!” Harry swam out further but the lab returned to shore, shaking off and panting. Harry played among the waves a bit longer, wishing he had a surfboard or body board. Wondering if he could buy one in town, Harry paddled to the sand and laid out, breathing heavy but smiling like an idiot.

“Jana, come back!” Harry called, but the lab ran off like her tail was on fire. He threw a piece of seaweed at her, but knew chasing her was in vain. He called several more times but she was gone. “Great.” Harry stood, trying to wring out the bottoms of his boxers. Grabbing his wet clothes he ran up the dune tried to catch sight of the dog and nearly ran over someone.

“Ouch!” the voice yelled.

“I’m sorry!” Harry tumbled onto the high grass, suddenly aware he was nearly naked. Large hazel eyes greeted his blue-green ones, wide and framed by long thick lashes.

“What are you doing?” The girl said, sounding more afraid than demanding. Harry tried to pull on his wet trousers unsuccessfully and ended up just wrapping his sopping plaid shirt around his waist.

“I’m Harold,” Harry replied, teeth chattering. “I – I was just going for a swim.” The girl blinked incredulously. Her long, bright light brown-red hair hung thickly over her back and shoulders, and reminded Harry of the combed mane of a wild horse. She had plump pale pink lips, a perfect olive complexion and a natural blush across her thin cheeks. Without another word, she stood up; slamming shut the book in her hands and ran off.

“Wait! I’m sorry!” Harry called after her but she ducked into the avenue. “Why is everyone running away from me today?!”

I know, not that good, but review anyway? ;) Thanks for reading!

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