§ 13 § (BWWM)

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"Sorrow. Are you okay?" Asher called her name for some time in an attempt to wake her.

A sense of guilt washed over him as image after image of their brutal love-making, flashed through his mind. It earnestly haunted Asher to recall the things he did to her.

Other men engaged in brutal acts as part of their regular bedroom activities and that was fine for them. But for the majority of his life, Asher was a mild-mannered person who had never considered hurting anyone even when they deserved it.

His recent anger and frustration channeled themselves, pouring unfamiliar energy directly into his veins. After he slammed the door in his ex's face, his mind switched to forget mode.

As a prosecutor, he had always been required to maintain a sober disposition and not take cases personally. Even in his private life, he often allowed things to transpire that others might never be patient enough to handle.

For the sake of his career, he always held his peace.

Until now.

The woman lying next to him was the only person who actively encouraged him to connect to his feelings. Being in her presence brought on emotions he hadn't considered before. Each beat of his heart and glimpse of her flesh reminded him of the raw passions in which he indulged when his skin came in contact with hers.

In the midst of Asher's rage, he was a captive to his need to greedily devour Sorrow.

Her love.
Her devotion.
Her body.

Asher drew ever so deeply from the well of Sorrow's acceptance and understanding. Because she gave herself to him freely, her own release was always guaranteed. Be it pleasure or pain, he came to appreciate that Sorrow was all in.

It set his flesh ablaze especially when the sounds she made were a mixture of anguish and desire all wrapped in one.

Moaning and calling his name, she yielded the power to undo Asher at any time.

With no previous experiences around a woman as passionate as Sorrow, Asher lived and breathed for the sensual dynamics they shared in the bedroom. She was fiercely independent in her everyday life. But when they came together, the temptress in his heart begged for him to exhibit the control he possessed over her.

Never had he craved to be intimate with the feminine form the way he craved her. His desire for her body was new and all-encompassing. Though he played the dominant role, Asher would gladly hand that role to his lady if it made her happy.

That was because Sorrow never refrained from sharing anything with Asher.

She cooked with love. When they hung out together, it was light and free. His relationship with her allowed him to exert his dominance and be a man in every aspect of their lives. And for her submission to him, he not only loved her, but Asher truly adored his woman.

The longer Asher considered what he had come to share with her, his nature rose yet again. Since she was in a deep sleep, he gave up trying to stir her from her slumber. Instead, he wrapped his arms and legs around his sweet lightly snoring baby and forced himself to drift off once again.



When she opened her eyes, the room was dark. Sorrow was under the impression it was early in the morning. Her hand darted to his side to find that it was empty. Pushing herself up on her side of the bed, she took a few seconds to rub the crust from her eyes. Her head panned left and then right to confirm that she was in the massive room alone.

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