A problem

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- a few weeks later -

Ronald is on a date with a reaper female and having a great time until he gets a call. Ronald gets up " excuse for one second " Ronald says going away picking up " what is it foxy? I'm really busy getting a girl right now " Ronald says. " Ronald just listen to me it's important and I know you want me to forget about the thing but it's something way more important than that " mads says. " what are you talking about, we didn't have sex mads so what's so god damn important " Ronald says " I swear to god you're so yo- " " IM PREGNANT RONALD AND ITS YOURS! So now you just wanna forget about the fact that we had sex! Your so fucking predictable sometimes I think you just don't notice " mads says. Ronald stays silent " what do you mean by me not noticing? " mads sighs " I love you dumbass but you're soooo busy getting your dick in someone I guess you just don't care. I'm leaving tonight it's for the best for the baby that you don't give a shit " mads says then hangs up. Ronald goes back " I'm sorry but I gotta go, my friend needs me " Ronald says then runs out. Mads gets her luggage and goes to the phantomhive manor and gets inside from the back. Ronald runs inside seeing mads stuff isn't there " no..no.....no!!! " Ronald looks around. Mads goes in a room puts her stuff away and lays down.

( to be continued )
Song: all around me

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