The past hurts and so do you

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Grells POV
" I.....I gotta go, I'll be back maybe " grell gets up and leaves then runs away crying getting many painful flashbacks and runs to her apartment in the reaper world and goes inside sitting in the corner of her room hiding her face between her knees " why? Why!? " grell keeps crying. " I don't want any of this, why would I even trust him, he never even kept his promise hell he doesn't even recognize me at all and he never will " grell gets up

Time skip a few months later and it's January

Grells POV still

Grell walking down the streets of London wearing her black coat, red scarf and black gloves " god it's cold " " you can say that again but I don't mind the cold " a male voice said. " huh? " grell looks behind her to see Sebastian " what do you want and stop following me you creep! " grell said to him getting annoyed. " well sorry but I have a message for you and look I don't know why but my dad wants you to join my family and others for a party on February 1st " Sebastian said to her. " fine I'll come but if there's alcohol I hope you can deal with me " grell looks at him. Sebastian chuckles " ok ok "

( to be continued )
Song: I don't care

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