Can't stop

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Grells POV

Grell in her room against the wall in a corner of the dark room hugging her knees " why can't I stop thinking about that fucking demon " grell hides her face against her knees " it hurts, my heart, it aches so much, I'm so warm, reapers never get sick so I can't be sick, then what is it " " maybe your in love née San " Ryan said to his little sister and goes to her feeling her head " go to bed, you need rest to stop the pain " grell looks at him confused " what's wrong with me? " Ryan puts her to bed and tucks her in taking her glasses off placing them on the counter " your just love sick, it's normal since we're reapers it's hard for us to understand love and things like that at first, the same thing happened to Eric and Alan even me " grell looks at him " oh " Ryan kisses her head " go to sleep née San " grell falls asleep

Sebastian's POV
Sebastian in the bathroom after " pleasuring " himself as he is only wearing pants and looking down on the floor " why can't I stop thinking about that red head reaper, and why do I keep doing this to myself " Sebastian closes his eyes. Sebby comes in and sighs " your in love Sebastian it's obvious, you love her and I'm pretty sure she loves you, so get up and take a shower ok lil bro " sebby throws him a towel and some clothes closing the door. Sebastian gets up " maybe he's right "

( to be continued )
Song: back to you

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