CH. 8

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It's been about 3 weeks since Peeta and I broke up. We are not talking anymore. He won't even look at me. I feel kinda bad about turning him down. I mean he was my first love. I still am not over him. I refuse to date anyone, even though I turned "popular" since I dated Peeta. People must think, "Hey Katniss Everdeen dated Peeta. He is popular, so am I. Why can't I date her?". It gets really annoying. I noticed Peeta has been hanging around the careers an awful lot. Glimmer seems to be all over him. I am starting to get really jealous.

I walk up to my locker and when I open it a note falls out. It says:

I'm still upset about the way it ended between us. I was wondering if you wanted to hang after school? If you do, meet me behind the school.
Lover boy (A.K.A. Peeta. )
P.S. it's a new nickname(:"

That's weird. Peeta isn't like this. He doesn't do this type of stuff. Oh, well. I guess I will go.

The day goes on extremly slow. Peeta doesn't even glance my way once. Some how this really hurts me.

I walk around to the back of the school and wait for Peeta to get there. I have been here for 30 minutes now and still no sign of Peeta. Just as I am about to walk away, I see someone coming but it's not Peeta. I can't tell who it is. Wait, oh no. It's Cato.

"Hey there, my beautiful Katniss." He says when he approachs me.

"What do you want Cato? I'm not here for you. I'm here for someone else." I snap at him.

"Oh, you're here for Lover Boy. Yeah, that note wasn't from him. It was from me." He says seductivly.

"Why do you want me here?" I ask as he pins me against the wall.

"Well, I know that you are single still. And it's been 3 weeks since you and Lover Boy broke up, so you should be over him by now. I'm single and want a girlfriend. You must have pretty low standards since you dated the baker. So let's say you're my girlfriend and I'm you boyfriend. How does that sound?" He says. I try to push him off of me but he is too strong.

"You realize that is your friend you are talking about. And that idea sounds terrible. I'm not over Peeta yet. So you can get the f*ck off of me." I say to him. I am really mad right now. I start to cry because that is the first time I admitted to anyone that I'm not over Peeta.

I look around and to see if anyone is around. I see someone who looks like Peeta. Wait, that's Peeta! As soon as I realize it's Peeta, I start screaming his name. "PEETA! PEETA! HELP ME!!" He looks over and sees Cato pinning me against the wall. He starts running to us. Cato seems to notice because now he has me in a headlock.

"Cato! What are you doing? Don't hurt her!" Peeta says to Cato.

"Come any closer and I will really hurt her." He says. Then he pulls out a knife. "If you can't have her, I will."

"Cato, please stop!" I manage to say. It is starting to get hard to breathe. I start seeing black spots.

"Please, hurt me instead. Don't hurt her." Peeta says. Cato drops me and walks over to Peeta. The last thing I see before I loss consciousness is Cato slicing Peeta's leg open. I'm not sure where, but I think it is in the thigh and is deep.


Sorry extremely short. I have been sick the past couple of days. will post tomorrow hopefully.

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~Jessica <333

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