Chapter 18

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A/N... You guys are defiantly gonna hate me after this chapter. BUT DON'T WORRY! IT IS GOING TO BE ALL OKAY NEXT CHAPTER!


All this is starting to sink in. Peeta is a liar. He lied to me. After everything we have been through, he would do this to me.

Gale has left and now I'm sitting here by myself and I can't move because stupid Peeta tripped me.

I sit here thinking about everything that has been going on. There is a knock at the door. Who is stupid enough to knock on my door. Nobody is home besides me and I can't even get up to open the door!

"Who is it?" I yell from the couch.

"It's me!" I hear someone yell. Peeta.

"Go away. I'm not particularly happy to see you right now." I say flatly. I hear the door open and footsteps coming closer to me. "I told you go away."

"And I told you I will be back to visit you." He tells me.

"I don't want you to visit me." I snap at him.

"Damn, Katniss. What's your problem? When I left you before Gale showed ip were all happy, and now that's he's gone, you're being a bitch." Peeta tells me. I'm shocked.

"You wanna know what my problem is? You are my problem. You are a LIAR and you just called me names. Like, are you serious?" I yell at him.

"What in the hell did I lie about?" He yells back.

"You are the one who did this to me and you are acting like nothing happened." I say with tears about to spill out of my eyes.

"Baby, why would I do something like that to you? I would never hurt you. But you want to know something? It hurts me to know that you think that I would do something like that to you." He says.

"Don't play stupid with me Peeta. Gale saw you trip me! He was in the woods when we were running!" I yell. Tears still threatening to spill.

"Oh, so you believe some guy who has hurt you before in the past over your own boyfriend?" He says raising his voice.

"If you didn't notice. YOU WERE THE REASON HE HURT ME!" I yell. Tears fully streaming down my face.

"Well, who is stopping you from being with him? Because I am defiantly not." Peeta says.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask.

"It means I'm done. We are done." He says before walking out.

I sit there shocked. Peeta broke up with me. He just walked out. He walked out of my life and is gone. I grab my phone and call Gale.

"Hello?" I hear Gale through the phone.

"Gale? I need you here now." I say in between sobs.

"Katniss! What's wrong?!" He says quickly.

"Just come here now!" I say and hang up.

Within two minutes Gale is here. I guess that's the perks of living near each other.

"Katniss, what happened?" He says, as soon as he walks in and sees me crying.

"Peeta broke up with me." I say crying harder with every word.

"Katinss, why does it matter? He lied to you." Gale says, a little harsher than what I expected him to be.

"That doesn't matter Gale! He was the love of my life and now I have nothing!" I yell.

"You have me!" He yells back.

"I don't want you! Just leave I want to be alone now." I say and he simply walks out without objecting.

Now that I don't have Peeta, I have nothing to live for. I'm done. I can't do this anymore. I grab my bottle of pain killers and dump them all out in my hand. I grab my water and swallow them all. Within minutes everything starts to become blurry and fuzzy. The last thing I hear is a little girl screaming my name.

I see sparks fly. (A Hunger Games Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant