Chapter 2

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When I woke I still felt the warmth around me, I smiled knowing Noah was still there. I could hear the faint sound of a snore. He was still asleep. Careful not to wake him I propped myself up on my elbow looking for my phone which was buzzing quietly.

I traced the buzzing to the bedside table to my left, which meant that it was also to Noah's left and therefore out of my reach. I sighed not wanting to move from the comfort of the bed but I knew I had to turn off that dreadful noise.

I propped myself up a bit further and reached across Noah's sleeping body. Realising I still couldn't quite reach I sat up and reached across once again. My fingers traced the phone trying to find the silence button, once I did I decided to lay back down and sleep a little longer. As I went to move I caught a glance of Noah's peaceful expression. All of a sudden Noah's eyes opened. He caught me staring at him but before I could even let embarrassment take over he smiled and pulled me closer so that I was cuddled to his chest and whispered, good morning into my ear.

"Sorry I didn't...I was just trying to reach my phone and..." I suddenly became flustered.

He closed his eyes groaned, "what time is it?"

"Um..." I wriggled out of his hold which I could tell he was not too happy about because he attempted to hold onto me for a little longer. I glanced at the clock- even though I already knew the time because I checked it just after I woke up, "it's just past noon"

I was now sitting nervously picking at the nail polish on my fingers waiting for Noah to say anything but he didn't. He just laid there with his hands behind his head staring at the ceiling as if he was thinking.

Although It has been about 10 or so hours since I saw Kelly at the hospital and found out she was okay. The commute here was dreadful, I felt dead inside the whole journey and now that I know she is okay means that I should be happy right? Don't get me wrong I am happy but I also feel sick to my stomach. Maybe it's because I am going to have to leave again or maybe it's because I still don't know how she managed to be in the line of fire during a drug bust and it was all for me!

My stomach rumbled since I haven't eaten anything at all since dinner the day before yesterday. I've never really been someone who eats breakfast in the mornings but today is different. I attempted to conceal the rumble by standing from the bed and jogging into the bathroom, I took my bag of clothes with me.

Once I finished my business in the bathroom and dressed I exited to a still deep in thought Noah McKenzie laying where I had left him. However one thing was different, his phone was held to his ear.

A couple of moments later he said a few words into the phone and then ended the call. He turned to me, "I'm going back to the hospital." He picked up a bag which was at the foot of the bed and walked towards the now empty bathroom. Noah shut the door behind him, he emerged around 5 minutes later dressed in a crisp suit. He must've had one of his employees drop it off while I was in the bathroom.

"Shall we grab something to eat on the way?" I asked

"I'm going alone," He said and I felt as if I had been punched in the chest. Is that what not being wanted feels like? Tears threatened my eyes but I held them back. I have cried enough over the last 2 months and now I am finally back here in New York (even if the stay is short) I will get to the bottom of everything. The truth will be aired and once it is I can finally move on with my life.

"I haven't seen Kelly in 2 months and she nearly died, whether we go together or not I am going to the hospital once I have my shoes on." I made it clear that I would not let him control every aspect of my life as he tried to do before- even if it was for my own good.

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