⚬You & I⚬ FINAL

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Namjoon's POV

Jimin woke me up sounding very excited.

Usually, his excitement would make me shoot out of bed, but I'm extremely tired for some reason.

"Hyung~, get dressed~"

"Whyyyy? Where are we going???"

"Not we. Jin-hyung wants to take you somewhere nice~"


I shot up at the sound of that news.

Where could he possibly want to take me???

"No time for questions! Put on something nice~"

I finally chose an outfit that looked very nice to me.

I hope Jin likes it...

I hope Jin likes it

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I called for him, but he didn't answer.

I went to go search for him, and I found him downstairs with the others. They all came up to me once they saw me walk in.

"You look really nice Joonie~"

"Thank you hyung~"

Everyone else but Yoongi just kept examining my outfit, until Jin finally came in.

"Wow... You look amazing Joonie..."

He complimented in shock.

"T-Thank you Jinnie..."

I had a slight blush on my face that I was trying to hide.

"It looks like mini me wants to go too~"

I looked down, and Jin was waiting very patiently for us to depart with him.

"Is it ok for him to come with us?"

"Yeah, of course~. The place we're going to allows obedient pets like him~"

He informed.

He picked Jin up, and gave him to me for me to hold him.

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