⚬New Start⚬

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11 years later

Namjoon's POV
Now 23 years old

It's been a while since I moved out of the abandoned school with Jin.

We moved out around the middle of April of last year. They apparently planned to tear it down months before I first went there in the first place. In order to keep Jin and myself safe, I decided to move out, taking the few books I actually liked with me.

To carry my things, I conveniently found some old backpacks, and they were in good enough condition to use. Jin liked to sit inside of it on top of my books. So with that, we left.

A lot changed in that time.

My eyes changed to a dark blue shade, and I'm less sensitive to touch on my tail and ears. I taught myself almost everything with the books I had, since I obviously couldn't afford to go to school like a normal person. I'm not normal anyway.

I found myself in a very nice city that looked like a nice place to start a new life. First, I have to find a beanie or something to cover my ears. My tail can easily be hidden, so that's no problem.

I searched some alleyway next to a local flower shop, but no luck. I sat down to think where to look next. I was going to check on Jin, but I could hear him sleeping in my bag. A few minutes later was when an employee of the shop found me on his break, and stared at me with surprise.

*Be cool Namjoon. Just stay calm and only answer if he speaks...*

"Who....are you? How did you get here?"

The employee asked in a soft tone, as to not be rude.

I cleared my throat and spoke as clear as possible.

"My name is Namjoon..., Kim Namjoon. I was just resting here from the long time I was searching for a place to live. I'll leave if it bothers anyone..."

I started to walk away.

"No, no! It's ok. I was just surprised to see a hybrid like yourself to be all alone. Usually, all hybrids have owners, but I guess your not one of them right?"


I never knew that people started to accept hybrids now.

All this time, I hid myself from the world, not paying much attention to the new things around me. If only my master could be..., him...

"Well in any case, I'm Park Jimin. It's nice to meet you Joon~"

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I learned the nice man's name.

"Nice to meet you too"

I said, smiling.

"Would you like to come inside and meet my hyung? Maybe I can get you some flowers too, yeah? It's really not a problem, and hyung is really nice!"

I liked the sound of that, so I accepted his offer.

"Sure. Thank you Jimin"

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