Prologue pt.2: Promise

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Jin's POV

"Dad! I'm going to take Jjanggu out for a walk~!"

I shouted happily to my father who was currently lounging on the couch watching a game.

Mom was still at work, and she wouldn't be back anytime soon.

"Mhm. Don't take long"

He said uninterested, barely paying me any attention.

I made my way out with Jjanggu, who was anxious to get outside.

"Someone's excited~"

I cooed, giggling to myself as Jjanggu ran in circles barking excitedly.

"Come on, let's go!"

|2 hours later|

"Aish. I think we went too far buddy. I don't really know where we are..."

I said to Jjanggu, who was currently sniffing flowers, paying no attention to me whatsoever.

"...I'll text dad to come get us"



Jin: Dad, I think I'm lost. Can you come find us?

Dad: Aish... You always get lost... Give me a landmark to look for so I can find you


I looked for something that stood out, but there was nothing.

Then, I saw I huge school building that looked abandoned, but noticeable enough.



Jin: There's a huge abandoned school near me

Dad: Ok. I'm on my way


I could practically feel the annoyance he had from leaving his precious TV.

Out of nowhere, Jjanggu started running towards the abandoned school. Confused, I ran after him.

*Aish... This dog is gonna be the death of me...*

I thought as I ran.


I called out, catching up to him.

As I was closing in on Jjanggu, I noticed that he was with someone. A boy that seemed younger than me.

*Why would he run towards him but nobody else??*

I questioned myself.

As I got closer, I started to notice something was off... From far away he seemed like a normal scared kid, but up close...

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