10 ; les semaines suivantes

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16th of November, 2018
Xavier Robson

Dear Amaya,

I haven't written to you in over two weeks, I'm sorry.

I just couldn't with what happened.

I didn't get out of bed the next day. I saw you in full flesh and view, not just a quick flick of the imagination. I had called Kayla in the morning to make sure she wasn't dead which she - groaning - answered asking what had happened. We'd talked for an hour about the events and other things just like we did in classes.

I was so convinced that it was you haunting me because of my letters but once I worked out that I'm utterly delusional 40% of the time, I've picked the pen back up and wrote the date, my name and yours like I always do.

Sunday, Corbyn visited me, he came through the window at 7pm when my mother was still on her shift. We didn't talk but laid across my bed letting the music flow through my speaker and the silence of each other stop. I didn't know what was going on with our friendship but I appreciated having him around now, just there for each other.

Kind of how we used to be Amaya.

Monday Daniel bought Finn to our little hide out and was embraced into our tight circle instantly due to the respect saving Kayla gaining him our loyalty and trust.

Mum and Josh had been more out of the house recently, mum picking up extra shifts and Josh finally getting a job and going to work.
One night, us 5 had a pizza movie night as a refresher in the rigorous study.

We had many tests and assessments coming up before thanksgiving break, so the room became a study club well mostly Corbyn and Daniel helping the rest of us.

Corbyn had explained nearly everything and for once I understood and went into each exam confidently as did Kayla. I was beginning to find value again.

Today was Friday, the day before our week break. We all lay in the scorer room doing nothing, a gentle laughter falling out in the room, cards scattered on the ground after an aggressive game. I had been sleeping for a little while but the louder shuffle had woken me.

My eyes were shut close and my breathing was soft, hearing more little shuffles and small chatter I was about to smile at how good everything was flowing.


That was till I could sense cameras on me and I instantly shot up knocking Corbyn in the face with a yelp he was up right next to me. I couldn't remember anything and was wondering why he was so close trying to cover the blush spreading to my cheeks.




"What is going on?" The three all went silent while I blinked the sleep out of my eyes trying to figure out what was happening. My phone buzzed in my pocket gently and Kayla stared deep into my soul meaning it was from her.

As Corbyn got up to stretch I flicked open wattsapp discovering a picture messaged by Kayla as I guessed. I had prepared to see a drool, disgusting angle of me but instead discovered a snuggle up Corbyn and Xavier. We looked so peacefully in sleep we had wanted for so long. He looked so happy to be centimetres away from the grumpiest person ever.

I looked like nothing had ever touched me, I looked the way I act. I don't know if it's because of what happened to you Amaya but I'm not that girl I pretend I am. Still I secretly screenshot the photo as it was utterly adorable before putting it away as I mad eye contact with an eyebrow wiggling Kayla.

I was never going to hear the end of it.

But beside her you sat there hair still braided like you always had it in white, shaking your head like you did at the Halloween party. The colour drained from my face.

"I have to go, I'll see you in a week."

I grabbed everything and I left to questioning looks.

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