Chapter 20: Worrying

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"Simon? Sorry to bother you again, but do you mind taking a look and telling me where I go?" I say shamefully again. I do not want to bother him so much. He needs to get better. Without a groan this time, he blinks before widening his eyes all the way at what he sees. I know how he is feeling. I have not the slightest inkling as to where I am. 

"Back around. To the car. Go." He says, a renewed urgency to his voice. Having no qualms with that, I turn us around slowly so not to make him queasy, and head back to the car. Glad I left the door open, I start to set him in gently when a hand on my arm stops me. I look down and juicy is glowering at me. 

"What? He said he wished to return to the car." Still glowering, she ushers us away from the car and shuts the door. 

"Simon, I understand you are in no condition to be reprimanded. But you can not use chory to get you away just because you are afraid of hospitals!" So that is what they are called. Simon groans out a reply. 

"I don't wanna go!" He whines, and juicy rolls her eyes. 

"Quit acting like a child! One of my Guild Sisters works here and she should have some medicine that we can use, also I am positive she is wigging out at her new found ability to speak, if she has found out that is." She mutters thoughtfully, while simon pouts and crosses his arms, me still holding him. It is not tiresome, but I do not wish to drop him because he is crossing his arms. Juicy turns to me and glowers now. 

"What? What have I done?" I question.

"Are you going to do everything he tells you?! He is not your-" 

"Yes." She gives me a look of disbelief and I hear simon snicker. What? 

"Nevermind. Just follow me." I look down at Simon and he nods begrudgingly, so I follow her. 

When we enter the 'hospital', I see a room full of people waiting, in what look like chairs. There is a contraption displaying moving people on it up on the wall, while more people in strange garb sit behind what resembles a counter. Juicy is speaking to one, and I stand next to her while looking around at everything. Strange contraptions showing strange people, I muse.

Simon is watching me, I can tell, I can always tell. He watches me with such intensity. I do enjoy it though, knowing he loves me as dearly as I love him. Quite a few other people are looking at us as well, but I ignore them. Why address them? If they are curious then they may ask. All of a sudden there is another small dark woman standing next to Juicy, looking over Simon.

She gestures for us to follow, and she speaks with Juicy while we go through a door with strange markings of what look like fish on it. I look at it strangely before entering, and Simon snickers again. I love hearing it.

Entering another room further down, I place Simon on a table with even stranger markings on it, along with some different paper like material. He moans again, so I hold his hand in hopes of comforting him. The lady smiles and hugs Juicy tightly. Her hair and eyes are a warm brown, her skin a richer color of it. A very beautiful woman. 

"I have missed you so much Isabel, but I have to skip the formalities unfortunately, as we haven't got a lot of time. This might sound insane, but I need you to try and speak for me." Juicy tells her, making her eyes go wide. She lets out a breath and stares at juicy.

"Just try it for me!"

"It won't work." Isabel said, and yelped in shock. Looking from me, to Juicy, to Simon, and back to juicy she speaks again.

" did this happen? How am I able to speak?" She says quietly, as though she can't believe she is hearing her own voice. 

"This boy is the GACHNE, the one I am assigned to guard. He has broken the curse. I will explain the rest later, but I need your immediate assistance. Do you still have the special medicines I gave you when you left?" Isabel nods, and walks over to a bio-hazard bin, and pulls out an odd container. 

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