My Eulogy

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Be seen. Give people permission to to visible. Give them permission to love as fiercely as the sun burns.

Be Fierce. Be loud. Be heard. Never let them drown you out, let every young person hear you begging them to scream, to never contribute to the silence. 

Be brave. Confront your deepest evil. Never kneel at the feet of men in a visage of divinity. 

Be proud. Never let anyone take it from you, protect it with your life.

Be iconic. Be strange. Be weird, because you will only have one chance to be that amazing, and that one chance can last an eternity of moments.

Be honest. Never lie to those who you love.

Be a lover. Love deeper than the most vast ocean, and love in every way possible.

Be all of these things and more, because I can't be them anymore. Be kind. Be gentle. Be strong, and broken.

Be everything and nothing all at once because you can.

Be alive. Be real. Feel every heartbreak, and look forward to the next time you can love.

Never conform, for in conformity there is no life to be lived. There is only death.

I will be with you through every triumph, and every mistake. I will be there when you fall into the sweet sin of love, and I will be there every time you fall out of love like an angel.

Be alive, and look forward to the moments where you must rearrange your heart, and know that broken things can always be put back together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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