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He shouldn't this sad.

It shouldn't be this hard

He is so blue


Blue looks good on the sky

It looks good in his eyes,

It looks good in his hair.

Yet it doesn't match his mood.

Life shouldn't be as hard as it is

but it is

and it's not fair.

It has taken him 8 years for him to know who he truly is,

and tyrants and transphobes threaten to take the very life he has build up

He weaves in and out of depression and suicide like embroidering.

He was thrown in the highest tower and left there to depend on health professionals and Gender therapist to tell him who he knows who he is.

And he shouldn't be sad.

It shouldn't be this hard.

I have a friend, who thinks they sing like an angel.

But I heard them crying in the night.

It was far from devine.

The scars on their body,

are like lines of torturous poetry.

There is a poetic torture in the way they pretend that they are okay,

in the way their sorrowful words strike me down when they speak,

in the way they can copy and paste a smile onto their face with so much ease.

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