Simple Boy

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I want to fall in love with a boy who has a bright smile.

I want to love a boy who keeps my heart warm in the colourless void of night.

I want a boy who has hands that remind me of sunrise,

a boy who can touch my tear-stained cheek and tell me that I am okay,

that everything will be okay.

But does a boy exist?

One who can conjure up moon cycles.

He, who can twist mist into fantasy.

He who can turn my every waking moment into La Vie En Rose.

Who accepts memento mori, but chooses life.

He, who chooses love?

He who wakes before the sun rises and sleeps long after it sets.

Could he choose love?

Could he pluck the Nightingale's blood-red rose?

Could he blind the happiest prince?

and does a boy love as fiercely as I?

Do his ocean-blue eyes watch me, while I watch him, watching me?

Or do they remind me of another

who shares the same sapphire eyes?

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