Bring Me Sunshine - ImAllexx

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Scrolling through Reddit, you patiently waited for sleep consumed you. It was only 10 pm but you had planned to fix your chaotic sleep patterns before it got you in trouble.

And then it came up. The face of a man, his discoloured skins covered in blood, with few dark veins creeping up his neck. You became curious about the trailer linked to the image.

As the trailer finished, your fear and curiosity tempted to override any plans of sleep. It was too late now, anyways - there was no way you could sleep peacefully after seeing that. What else was stopping you? It was Friday night and all reviews for the film seemed positive.  

You sat up in bed, power on your laptop.  You opened, finding The Crazies shortly after. Despite your newfound fearlessness, you had some hope someone would join you in your movie-watching. The title credits rolled and you bit your nails in anticipation. 

You hadn't even noticed anyone else had joined until you exclaimed at your screen.

"No, No! God damn it!"

"It's not even been thirty minutes and you're already scared? Might as well stop watching now. It only gets worse." He scoffed at your reaction. 

"Wow, way to spoil the fun. Shouldn't horror movies be scary from the first minute?"

He chuckled lightly before the movie grabbed his full attention again. The soundtrack stopped almost completely, panning past a bloody handprint.

You were expecting a jumpscare; a yelp came out anyway. This time, however, it was louder from the other end. 

"Bit early to get scared, isn't it?" You joked, playfully.

"Ssh, let me watch this in peace!"

The two of you remained silent, letting out occasional shrieks at the right cues. Eventually, you couldn't watch anymore.

"Fuck, uh no, nope, I can't do this anymore." You paused the movie, looking away from your screen. He spoke up for the first time in a while.

"...No. I won't let you stop this here! You started this, We've already come this far, and you're just going to leave me hanging? I want to know what happens!"

"Then just watch it on your own." You said a matter of factly. 

He sighed, taking his time to respond. 

"I can't believe I'm telling you this, but... I'm on this website for a reason! I'm too scared to watch this alone!"

You stifled a chuckle, feeling better now that you two were on the same page.

Sheepishly clicking play, you didn't say anything - you were aware this action admitted some sort of defeat. 

It felt like it had been an eternity before it finished. 

"My god, that was insufferable."

"Yeah... I'm not sure I'm going to be able to sleep tonight." He mumbled a little, "Are you up for a movie marathon?"

 For some reason, he turned on the camera. It seemed it was almost an attempt to convince you to stay.

His face filled the blank screen - The light from his computer screen highlighting his side-swept fringe and blue eyes. He looked cute. 

You remembered he had spoken to you, quickly trying to recall what he said before the silence grew too long. 

"Only if we don't watch another horror movie."

(A/N - Someone tell me why it's so easy for me to write 500+ words per one shot but I struggle to write 350 words for school assignments (Θ︹Θ)ს)

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