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Scotland November 1822

Valerie had spent the entire month of November in Scotland and now she was traveling home for the holidays. Today her and her lady's maid were staying over in Glasgow before resuming their trip to London. Her and Anne were going to spend the day exploring Glasgow. First stop was a shop where Val decided to drop a few coins in the ribbon shop. Then they moved on to the hat shop where she spent a few more coins. She was ready to go into the ice creamery to have a treat when she spotted a sign advertising an assembly for a scientific lecture at the university. This was what Valerie decided they would do. She was so excited when she had read about the lectures on Charles 's invention in one of the scientific journals she just had to see if she could attend the lecture.

Valerie was early for the lecture she was not even sure they would even let her in after all education was for men and not women. It was silly, but some places did not believe women should be allowed an education. Such archaic thinking needed to be abolished as far as Val was concerned. Anne was not of the same opinion, she felt a woman place was in the home learning how to manage a household, sewing, and embroidery nothing Valerie was interested in.

Today's lecture was on Charles Macintosh's invention of waterproof material. He lectured on how the material would change the world. He talked about how the material could be used for weather gear, and for soldiers it would mean their tents would be able to stay dry in times of bad weather. An umbrella could be made to keep rain off the holder. Val was convinced this was going to revolutionize the world. She decided when she returned to London she would contact her friends in the scientific community and see what she could do to get him accepted in the of the United Kingdom.

London February 1823

Now that the holidays were over Valerie was going to take the next thirteen days before she had to leave for New Cross to see if she could convince the members of the to accept as a one of this year's award recipients. She was going to take advantage of the fact there was no man to run her life for the next couple of months. Since Vincent had gotten married Valerie and her mother were living in London. Uncle Jeremy was here in London, but he did not try to run her life like Vincent did.

Anne was not to thrilled when Valerie told her she had an appointment with some of the members of the Royal Society she was going to try to talk with them about getting Charles Macintosh accepted. The meeting was planned for one o'clock at Sarah's house a childhood friend. Sarah's brother was a member of the Royal Society had agreed to round up a few of his friends from the society and let her talk to them about Charles Macintosh and waterproof material.

When she arrived at Sarah's house she found her entertaining three gentlemen Lord Kingston Duke of Chester, Randal Walker the Viscount of Raymore and a man she had never seen but he was the most beautiful man there. He had violet eyes and black hair. His face looked like it should be on a portrait in the museum. His body was not bulky, but it was hard and firm, she was sure he was a god on earth. He quite simply was beautiful. Before Sarah was able to introduce Val, her brother walked into the room. Lord Joshua Kendal the fifth earl of Reading. Val always had a slight crush on the earl, but he was only seven and twenty he was not ready for a wife.

Joshua walked into the parlor he couldn't help noticing Valerie's smile he could not help noticing she was always smiling when he walked into the room. He laughed Sarah had told him she had a crush on him, but he only saw her as he did his little sister.

"Gentlemen let me introduce you to our speaker today. Lady Valerie Valentine, you know Vincent's little sister. Lady Valentine this is Lord Ethan Kingston Duke of Chester, Randal Walker the Viscount of Raymore and last but not least Nathan Gregory Earl of Hampton."

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