07 ; nancy who?

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Over a week had passed since the group had received any word of Kate or her Beserkers, and Elise as growing anxious. She'd never had the pleasure of personally knowing Kate Argent, but she had a feeling that the woman wasn't the type of person to be easily satisfied. There was no way that the Hale's bonds alone were her target. She'd stolen millions from the vault, but Elise knew she'd be back for more. Even if all she'd wanted was money, they couldn't let her get away with it. The Hale's had contacted Braeden in hopes of outmatching the Calavera's pay and getting to Kate first.

Elise glanced up from her place cleaning the counter of the coffee shop when she felt eyes on her. Her gaze flitted around the small cafe until it landed on a teenage girl sitting in one of the booths near the exit. She had golden-blonde hair and hazel eyes, and looking into those eyes set off an alarm in Elise's mind.

Once the girl w as aware that Elise had noticed her staring, she abruptly got up from her seat and brisly made her way toward the exit.

"Joe, I'm taking my break," Elise hollered to the back of the shop, barely waiting for the grunt of affirmation before he took off after the girl.

Elise tugged her apron off of her hips and rested it on the counter before rushing out of the shop. She spotted the girl a few yards away, her back turned to the cafe and her hood up as she walked.

"Hey!" Elise called, drawing the girl's attention.

The teen spun on her heels, raising one hand in preparation as her eyes met Elise's. The brunette felt a rush of wind on her cheeks but grabbed the girl's wrist before she could do any damage. "I wouldn't do that again," Elise hissed through clenched teeth. "Especially not in public."

The girl bit her lip, her hazel eyes flitting around the bustling parking lot they stood in. She returned her gaze to Elise and set her jaw. Elise could tell the girl's harsh demeanor was an act; curiosity and fear oozed from her.

"Why were you in my home? Where's the journal?" Elise demanded, her hand still locked around the girl's wrist.

The blonde's eyes widened slightly. Her answer was barely more than a whisper. "We heard rumors that there was another Kidwell witch alive. I needed to know if they were true."

"We?" Elise repeated.

"My mother and I. Well, more like just 'I', but my mother will track me down soon enough," the teen said, straightening her posture. She shared an even gaze with the brunette before adding, "I'd like my arm back now."

Elise narrowed her eyes but nodded slightly. She felt her pulse quickening. Whoever this girl was, she knew Elise's secret. "Who are you? How do you know who I am?"

"My name is Nancy Kidwell. My mom is Harper Kidwell. She'd your aunt and as far as I know, the three of us are the only living Kidwell witches."

Elise felt her breath catch in her throat and a wave of nausea washed over her. She pushed it back down and spoke the only words that came to mind. "Can you stop saying that word?"

"What? Kidwell?"

"No! Witch!"

"Why?" Nancy asked. "It's what you are."

"I know that!" Elise snapped. "It's just weird hearing someone say it so... naturally." Elise surveyed the girl, her eyes skimming over her face. They shared many of the same features, from their hazel eyes to the spray of freckles across both of their noses. She had to admit, something about the girl's story rang true. Elise sensed no deception, but she was still hesitant. "The Kidwells, they all died years ago, before you were born. Perry was the last one, but he died after he got here."

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