sorry (A.N.)

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SO, as some of you may have noticed, I haven't updated in a really long time. I don't think I've updated more than once a month in the entirety of 2019 and honestly, the reason for that is that I just don't enjoy writing as much as I used to. Sometimes, updating this story feels like a chore and I don't want it to feel that way because I love the characters I've made through this story and the happiness this story has brought me through the several years I've been writing it have made my life so much better. 

I thought I'd bounce back from this bump. I always have and I always come back with a new drive to finish Elise's story. But that just didn't happen this time. 

I refuse to leave this story unfinished, though. I've been debating doing this for a long time, because I never believed (and still don't believe) that doing this will give Elise and her story the justice it deserves, but I think I owe it to you guys to at least wrap up the story that's taken me almost four years to complete. 

The next and final chapter will cover the final episode of season four. At the beginning of that chapter, I'll have a blurb updating you guys on Elise and her friends' stories up until that point. Maybe, at some point, I'll have that inspiration I lost for this story come back and I'll fill in the blanks with chapters and this will be a full, expanded story. Until then, though, this is the best I can give you guys. 

It's not how I wanted to finish this story, but it's how I'll have to finish it. 

Part of me thinks that one of the major reason for me not being able to write is that I feel constricted by the facts I'm writing by someone elses rules. This isn't an original story, and I have to follow the rules and lore of the show it's based off of. Because of this, I'll be switching all of my possible future activity to another account I made a while back for original works but never really got around to using because I was so preoccupied with this story. If you want to keep up with any writing I might do in the future (all would be original stories both short and long), follow @glowinvibes 

Thank you guys for all of your support through the past few years. It's been what's kept me working on this story, but at this point, I need to finish it and move on. 

The final chapter of Vestige will be posted tomorrow. 

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