Teen Mom Part 19

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Chapter 19 Taken

I looked up at Kristina. No one was holding her back now. She just stood in the middle of the hall with her eyes glazed over. Tears were cascading over her eyes. I picked up Ryan's hand and gave it a small squeeze. Weird I know, but I needed to reassure myself. I hugged myself suddenly cold.

"Please look after Juliet." I whispered looking up.

My hands were pressed together in prayer. I let my hands fall back to my sides. I walked towards Kristina and gave her a big hug. She was unresponsive for a few minutes, but came to and weakly pulled her arms up.

"I'm so sorry." I said to her.

"It's- it's not alright, but I guess I will have to live." She whispered.

"Come on. Let's go." I said leading her towards the door.

Nathan was standing at the entrance tapping his foot, arms crossed.

"We are going to drive home. The two of us."

"Oh........K..." Nathan seemed reluctant to let us go.

I gave him a reassuring hug. He pulled back and gave me a lingering kiss. I let go of him and held Kristina's hand leading her to the car. I put her in and headed to the city.

"Uh where are we going?"

"To the city."

"Uhhh why?"

"To go on a shopping spree!!"

"Are you sure this is the best time?"

"It's the perfect time!"

"I guess..."

We found a parking spot about 2 blocks away from Kristina's favorite store. We started walking down the road.

"Wait." Kristina said holding her arm out.


She pointed to the alley next to us. I looked up and sighed at the sight. There were a pair of shoes on the wire.

"Only a little." I threatned.

We walked in, but someone grabbed us from behind. They pressed sweet smelling cloths over our mouth and nose. I started fading. I still tried to elbow him and kick him. Kristina was already limp in the other guys arms. My sight was turning black. My vision and hearing was totally gone now.

I woke up in a dark room bound to a chair. The rope dug into my wrists and the gag tasted like blood and sweat. I tried wriggling my wrists out of the rope.



Kristina was silent. I heard a loud bang coming from behind me. The door had been flung open. A big man walked in. He picked up and slung Kristina over his shoulder.

"Mmmmm" I whimpered. Kristina!!! I screamed in my mind.

The door closed behind him, but another man walked in. He walked in front of me and had something by his side. There was a switchblade in his hand. I stood my ground.

"Such a pretty one." He said running scarred fingers down the side of my face.

I turned my head away from him. He pulled out the switchblade, angry. I felt something cold bite my cheek. I growled. He slapped me across the face and made my head snap to the side. I looked back at him with hate.

Nathan's P.O.V.

I looked around the house. Where were they? The car wasn't in the driveway. Hmmm where would Ivy take Kristina? ....Shopping. I rolled my eyes as I got into the car. Of course she would do that to cheer her up. I drove to the city because that's where she would probably take her. I saw the car parked in front of an alley. I did a very illegal uturn and parked in front of it. I looked inside and saw that there wasn't anything there. I looked at the ground and saw that there were marks that looked like it came from muddy sneakers. I followed it to the alley, but I caught the shoes on the wire. My hands balled up at my side. I followed the footprints into the alley and saw that they suddenly ended. I went forward a little more and they started again, but they were drag marks instead. Someone had taken them both.

Teen Mom Sequel to what has happened to my life?Where stories live. Discover now