Teen Mom Part 13

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Chapter 13 Eotteokhae?

We were in the hospital. Somehow the surgeon had managed to get her brain put back together. I stood over her waiting to see if she would wake up. I was holding Nathan's hand. I flashed to a part of Kristina's note that was ment for Nathan, but had made me smile.

"I was amused by you chasing Ivy."

I smiled again. Kristina's eyes fluttered open. Her eyes started pouring out water the second they opened. I watched as Ryan kissed her and told her he loved her.

"What day is it?"

Nathan let go of me and hugged her. He handed her today's newspaper. It had been a week since she had died.

"They fixed you up and found you a cure."

She smiled. She kissed Ryan once again and hugged me, but I just hung there.

"Where's my beautiful children?"

Drake came rushing in and leaped into my lap. Kristina reached over the hospital bed and hugged him. I noticed that Drake's eyes were puffy. I cradled him to my chest. He sniffled, but otherwise was ok.

"I missed you so much mom!"

"I missed you too."

"And by the way you can leave the hospital tomorrow if you feel up to it."

Everyone cleared out of the room for some reason, but an unknown force kept me inside.

"What do you need?" I said through my teeth.

"Chicka god told me I had a second chance and that you are sick, but there's a cure. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true."

"I believe you."

I gave her a small smile. Nathan was giving me a ride home since I wanted to go home and he wanted to stay. The whole time I stared out the window at the night sky. I had my arms crossed and was deep in thought. I was still mad at Kristina. Was she so willing to take herself away from us? Eotteokhae? I was listening to a band recently and the word just popped into my head. She said that I was sick. Maybe I would go to the docter. I noticed that we had gotten home and that Nathan was just staring at me.

"See you later sunshine!"

He leaned over to kiss me on the lips, but I turned my head at the last second so that we kissed each other's cheeks. I got out of the car and jogged to the front door. I called the docter. I bit my lip hoping that he would see me this late.

"Hello Sunny Hospital here!"

"Could Docter Nyguyn take me in at this time?"

"Sure! Just come in 10 minutes."

"Thanks so much!"

I hung up relieved. I jumped into my car and drove to the hopital.

"Hello what can I do for you?"

"Um docter could you test me for common illnesses?"

"Like skin cancer, bipolar, and things like that?"

"Yes please."

"We will get the test results to you in about a week."

"Ok thank you."

I left. On the way home I remebered that tomorrow would be Nathan and I's anniversery and the kids would be 2 years old! When I got home I started planning the kids party. I fell asleep at the table.

*One week later*

The kids had an amazing party and Nathan took me out to dinner. Kristina was recovering. Drake and I had gotten to know each other even better. I drove to the docter's hoping that all would be ok. I took a deep breath and went in. No one was there so I just waited in a chair. When the docter came in he had a look in his eyes.

"Well we got the results..."

"Please docter... Just tell me what I have."

Teen Mom Sequel to what has happened to my life?Where stories live. Discover now