Teen Mom Part 10

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Chapter 10 Such a Boring Week

We got to the beach where we would be staying for a week. I know it isn't very long, but it's still with Nathan. When we got there we dropped our bags on the ground. Nathan kissed me. We kissed for a little, but soon he started leading me to the bedroom. I smiled while he kissed me. The week went by really fast. We went swimming and went crabbing. Well Nathan did and I watched. When we got back I saw that Kristina had gotten her cast off. Drake seemed to have gained a little weight. I couldn't find Drew or Juliet anywhere.

"Kristina! Where's Juliet and Drew?" I started panicking.

They didn't answer. I went into their room. They were on the bed kissing, but thank goodness had clothes.

"Kristina!!! Ryan!!! Where are the kids?"

"I don't know!"

"How do you not know?"

"I just don't! The last time I saw them there were in the backyard."

I went into the backyard and saw that they weren't there. I dropped to my knees and started pulling on my hair. I started crying. Someone put there hand on my shoulder. I shook it off.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed.

It's all my fault it's all my fault. I mentaly shot myself. I arubtly stood up and wiped away my tears. No one needed to see this. I left Nathan staring at the stop I was just standing in.

"Drake have you seen the kids?"

"They gave me this note."

He handed me a note.

We have your kids if you want them back go to the park at 9 am come alone.

I covered my mouth and almost broke down. They had been kidnapped. Oh my god. I knew that dad's job was pretty important and that's how we afforded this big house and stuff, but I never thought it would be like this.

"What's that?" Nathan pointed to the note.

I clenched my fist.

"Nothing." I said neutraly. Trying to hide it. I didn't need Nathan or anyone else finding out about this.

Teen Mom Sequel to what has happened to my life?Where stories live. Discover now