Twenty One

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Chris' POV- March 2017

Desi made it seem like she worked at a Vet clinic, but no this was a Veterinarian Hospital. I made my way inside, and over to the receptionist table. Luckily, I recognized someone...or should I say something. Desi's kitten, Dot was perched on a canopy near the desk. The receptionist was scrolling through her IG feed, but I'm sure she heard me walk in. There was a bell right by the door, and that chimed when I came in.

"Hello," I said getting her attention.

She visibly rolled her eyes and looked up.


"Is Dr. Clarke done with her surgery?" I questioned as I adjusted the strap of my backpack on my shoulder

She pursed her lips and sighed.

"Let me go see"

I nodded and turned my attention towards Dot.

"Hi, girl" I greeted.

She meowed at me while getting out of her canopy. I was petting her when the receptionist returned. Instead of giving me a message, she took a seat and ignored me. Before I could ask her if Desiree was done with the surgery, the door opened. Her co-worker who I briefly remember seeing during our first date offered me a smile.

"Hey man, come on in"

Dot followed us into the hallway but walked ahead of us. 

"I'm Oliver, Desiree's co-worker"

I shook his hand.

"I'm Chris," I said introducing myself.

"Well, Chris follow me"

He led me into an office.

"Des' desk is the one to your left"

Dot made her way into the office and curled up on the small pet bed.

"And there she is"

Desiree's hair was in two french braids, and she was wearing a set of dark blue scrubs.

"I'll give you two some privacy"

Oliver winked at her as he walked out. Once the door closed, Desiree looked at me and smiled.

"What did you bring to eat?"

"Hello to you too" I greeted.

She laughed as I pecked her lips.

"I chose sleep over breakfast today"

So did I.

"Well it's a good thing I brought brunch," I told her.

"You're the best"

I smiled as she kissed my cheek.

"What'd you bring?"

"I got a variety of breakfast bagels" I stated.

I needed to fuel up for the long day. 

"I got you some Sweet tea," I said.

"Ugh, you're my favorite at the moment"

I placed the bagles on the desk.

"These have avocados" I mentioned.

Desiree smiled as she got one.

"Your love for avocados is something" I noted.

"Don't judge me"

She took a bite of the bagel and hummed as she leaned back.

"You're not going to get in trouble for having lunch with me, right?" I wondered.

On The Loose || Chris Taylorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें