Twenty Four

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Desiree's POV- April 2018

I smiled as I recognized my cousin, Marisol making her way over. Her hair was done and slightly curled. She also had a little more make up on than usual. My guess was that Cody had invited her to the game, those two were 'just friends' at the moment but it was obvious Cody wanted much more.

"What a pleasant surprise"

"It's so nice to see you," I told her before greeting her with a hug.

"It's nice to see both of you!"

She gave me a squeeze and kissed my cheek before turning to Adam.

"Hey, babes. I swear you get prettier every single time I see you"

She laughed as they hugged.

"I can say the same thing about you Uncle Adam. Love the long hair, it's a look"

He hummed.

"You think that, but everyone at work and at home wants it short"

Marisol raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"Hey now, don't look at me. I think he looks great, it's Debbie and the other two doctors that think it looks unprofessional" I told her.

"How does Uncle William not love your hair?"

He smiled.

"Oh he loves it, but he does not like the attention it brings to me when we're out in public"

"You two get attention regardless" I noted.

Marisol nodded agreeing. Adam was a handsome guy, and so was his husband, William

"You two are naturally pretty"

He chuckled.

"Not that I mind seeing you darling, but I'm sure even Desiree wants to know why you're here on your own?"

She smiled and looked at me.

"I was invited"

Adam raised an eyebrow.

"By who?"

"Cody Bellinger," I said answering for her.

She nodded.

"So what exactly are you two?" I questioned.

"Friends who are getting to know each other" 

Makes sense.

"Darling, during my time that was called dating"

Marisol shook her head.

"Oh, we're not dating. I'm not saying this won't develop into a relationship, but at the moment we are just friends"

Adam hummed.

"What did he do to you that you're being so guarded?"

Marisol smiled and looked at me.

"I'll tell you tomorrow" I stated.

"But keep it to yourself. I don't want my dad to know, okay?"

He looked at her.

"Did he get you pregnant?"

She laughed.

"No, nothing like that"

He nodded.

"Okay, I can keep a secret"

She smiled.

"Thanks, Uncle Adam"

As if on cue, Cody made his way into the parking lot. A smile literally formed on his face as he locked his eyes on Marisol.

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