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Desi's POV- March 2018

"Dr. Clarke, do you mind closing her up?"

I shook my head and began doing so. As I was about halfway through, Dr. Martinez, my mentor spoke up.

"How was Arizona?"

"A little too warm for my liking" I replied.

She lightly chuckled.

"But you enjoyed your vacation?"

"I actually did, I got to spend time with the family and watch some baseball" I answered.

"That's good to hear"

Everyone here knew about my dad's Alzheimer's, and well...she was an old colleague of my dad's. 

"Did you meet up with the ballplayer?"

I glanced at Oliver whose eyes crinkled up. Knowing him, he was probably smiling under his mask. You see, he was the only person I had told about Chris. Guess he opened his big mouth. 

"I did" I confirmed.

"Is he a Dodger? Because if he's not then I disapprove"

I laughed.

"He's a Dodger" I answered.

"They're all really handsome, which is yours?"

"He's not mine" I stated.

"You know what I mean, what's his name?"

"His name is Chris" I replied.

"No fucking way, Chris Taylor? You lucky girl"

I finished stitching the small dog up and let her take a look at my stitch.

"You and Dr. Burakovsky have been practicing because this suture is beautiful"

That was really encouraging.

"So is he your boyfriend?"

"No, we're still getting to know each other" I answered.

She slowly shook her head.


"Yes," I replied.

"Okay good because open relationships never end well. There is always someone who catches feelings and end up heartbroken"

We all (Vet techs and assistants) looked at Oliver who rolled his eyes.

"I don't know why I even told you guys that"

He and his girlfriend were friends with benefits and both developed feelings. 

"So when are we meeting him?"

"I'll bring it up to him," I told them.

I stepped back so the Vet techs could handle the Post-Op.

"Has he met Andrew?"

I nodded as I followed her out. Once we were out of the Operating room, I removed my gloves and began washing my hands.

"Yes, he met dad. Twice actually" I answered.

"How did that go?"

"Dad was a bit of a jerk the first time, but incredibly nice the second time," I said.

"I can't wait to meet him"

She winked at me before reaching for some paper towels.

"What are your plans for tonight?"

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