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Desi's POV- March 2018

I woke up to the sound of Simba barking up a storm downstairs. Just as I sat up, my phone started ringing. Who was calling? Chris. I chose to ignore his call and climbed out of bed. There happened to be two windows in my room, and one of them was directly under the door. I pulled the blinds up and slid the window open.

"To what do I owe this beautiful wakeup for?" I questioned.

A light chuckle was heard as the dark figure moved.

"I thought I would surprise you"

"I'll be right down" I told him.

Before he could reply, I closed the window and shut the blinds. Grabbing my robe, I slipped it on as I made my way out of the room. Dot was up, and not exactly thrilled at the fact that Simba was barking up a storm at 2 AM. I turned on the hallway lights and walked down the stairs. 

"Simba, stop," I said as sternly as one could at this time.

He was seated in front of the door, wagging his tail.

"Alright boy, I need you to move over" I instructed.

He did as told because he was a good and obedient boy. I unlocked the door and pulled it open. On the other side of the door stood a tired Chris.


I reached for his arm and pulled him inside. Once the door was closed and locked, I turned my attention to him. Technically, Simba was the first to greet him. Chris smiled at me and stepped forward.

"It's nice to be able to physically see you"

I pressed my nose against his shoulder as I hugged his waist. Unfortunately, Simba ruined the moment by barking.

"It's nice to see you too, Simba"

Chris pulled away to pet the needy Beagle.

"Are you staying over?" I wondered.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I was hoping I could"

"Well let's go upstairs, my legs feel like noodles" I stated.

Before I could fully react, Chris had picked me up. I did not see it coming, so I screamed in surprise. 

"Long day on your feet?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Want a foot rub?"

I smiled.

"You're too nice, but I'm okay" I assured him.

Once we were in my room, he set me down.

"Let me go shut down the hallway lights"

As he did that, I took my robe off. 

"What time do you have practice at?" I asked.

"At 2 PM"

"In Anaheim?" I guessed.

He nodded.

"I'm getting a ride with Kike"

That made sense.

"Cody was not too thrilled about having to Uber home"

He'd live.

"But I really wanted to see you"

I smiled.

"It is really nice to see you" I admitted.

"I'm sensing a but?"

"It's been a long day," I told him.

My body was not too happy with me at the moment. Then again, I did get trampled by a 2-year-old Doberman at work.

"Why are your legs bruised?"

I looked down at my legs and hummed as I saw bruising on my thighs. So that's why they ached so bad.

"I got trampled by a dog at work today," I said.

His eyes widened.

"I'm afraid to ask what kind of dog?"

"A Doberman" I answered.

"Those dogs are huge"

Oh yeah, the one that pinned me down (and proceeded to lick my face) was a good 101 lbs. 

"One of the vet techs was on her phone when she was supposed to be helping another Vet tech restrain him" I explained.

She was giving herself more excuses to get fired.

"Besides having my body and ego bruised, I'm fine" I assured him.

He slowly shook his head.

"Is this a worst-case scenario?"

I laughed.

"Nope" I honestly answered.

"What's a worst-case scenario?"

"Getting bitten" I stated.

It was normal to get a nip here and there especially from small animals, but it was tricky when it came to big animals. The chances of getting bitten in the face were slim, and unfortunately, I knew someone who got his nose bitten off. This incident had not happened long ago, about a year ago while I was working in Washington.

"And having a body part removed" I added.

He scrunched up his nose.

"I work with domesticated animals though," I told him.

"That is still not assuring"

I shrugged.

"The chances of an accident like that happening are incredibly slim" I mentioned.

"Still not assuring"

"As I said, it's been a long day," I said hoping to end this conversation.

"Then let's go to bed"

I got under the blankets and watched as he undressed.

"You're leaving your shirt on?" I questioned.

"Uh, yeah. It's freezing in here, and well you mentioned Leo barging in. I don't want him to be making assumptions"

Makes sense, how nice of him.

"Let's go to sleep"

He shut off the lights and proceeded to get under the blankets with me.


"Yeah?" I wondered.

"I didn't greet you properly"

I laughed and accepted the kiss he was leaning in for. Fingers crossed he would make the Opening Day roster because I don't know if I would be able to go through long periods of time without seeing Chris. It was scary to admit, but I was falling for him. 

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