25. The break?

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It was night and Murty Mansion was completely silent, apart from the sound of the footsteps of all the servants working around in different corners of the huge mansion. Contrary to what happened today, the servants were very much nervous and scared for their jobs for they knew, even a tinest of their mistake can get them fired today.

The band had decided not to go back without gaining forgiveness from Nandini. Though they knew it wasn't going to be easy, they were determined on trying their best. Atleast, they wanted to.

In amidst of everything, Manik sat in his room near the bed, on the floor with his head thrown back and streams of salty tears running down his eyes. He and Cabir had gone to Aliya's room and tried to console her. She wouldn't stop crying and it only made Manik more scared for Nandini for he knew, Nandini was quite the opposite. She would keep everything bottled up inside her and suffer silently. The thought made him more worried and he left from there abruptly.

To say what happened today wasn't a shock for him, would be an understatement. Even he was shocked, the truth had left him beliwered.

Though he was aware of the hate living around the world, or himself had seen it, all thanks to his dearest mother. He had never encountered such situations. More than anything else, Nandini's condition had hurt him making him take it all out on his room.

In short, his room was messed up. The bedsheet which was suppose to be spread over the bed neatly was lying in some corner, all crumbled. The soft pillows were sacratted all over the hard floor with the heaps of cotton beside some. The big glass table which he had found absolutely beautiful on the first day itself, was broken in the worst way possible. He had hurt his own hand in creating this absolute masterpiece too.

Manik was so lost in his grief that he failed to notice a worried Cabir entering inside his room. Looking around for a second, Cabir silently shook his head. Manik had a bad habit of taking out his anger on both the living and non living things. His room had always been a victim of his anger.

Picking up the crumbled bedsheet and the sacratted pillows, he threw them over the bed before sitting beside Manik.

Cabir: Manik?

He called out and Manik hugged him tight the next moment. Cabir patted his back in return to console him and it did work to some great extent.

Cabir: It is okay, Manik. Nandini is going to be fine. Infact, she is all fine, Manik.

Though Cabir also knew Nandini was anything but fine, he couldn't say the same to Manik. Manik was already going mad over all the things, and he didn't want to add more to it but he forget, if Manik Malhotra loves someone, he does it with his every single cell.

How could he believe his Nandini was all fine when her pain was still hurting him?

Manik: She isn't fine, Cabir. She isn't. I know it. I can feel it, Cabir. Didn't you see her today? She looked so broken! So much in pain and all I could do was stand there and watch her breaking down.

Cabir: Stop hurting yourself, Manik. You were there with her. You held her all the time.

Cabir tried to made him believe but again, he was aware of how Manik is going to keep on hurting himself until and unless he makes sure Nandini is fine.

Cabir: She is going to be fine, Manik. You have to be strong, for her.

Cabir smiled but Manik shook his head making him look at him helplessly.

Manik: You don't get it, Cabir! How will she be fine? With her so called selfish friends buzzing around her with their stupid sorry, how is she suppose to be fine!? You tell me, tell me. How is she going to be fine when they are here to remind her every thing she went through!

Journey Of Emotions | MaNan (under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now