Shadow: Fights and Forbearance

Start from the beginning

Feeling a good bit calmer, I wait for the elevator and step in after pushing the Commander's floor.

The full realization of all this hits me halfway there.

Oh, Chaos. My eyes get as large as saucepans, and I feel every hair on my body rise. Oh, Chaos. I just left Eclipse with no one to look out for him, and I can't go back without him being even more resentful. Oh, no. Blood drains from my face, and I immediately curse myself for letting my anger get the better of me. Damn it! It doesn't matter how infuriating he is--he'll be eaten alive by those scientists! He doesn't know what starting that kind of testing means!

Suddenly, my visit to the Commander has a different purpose. I'll implore him to cancel the test, beg him if I have to.

Oh, this is such my fault. I run my hands over my skull, grimacing. I should have known Eclipse wouldn't listen. I needed to appeal to the higher-ups from the start! Why can I never think things through when it comes to him?

Slumping on the wall, I jump slightly as the elevator arrives at the floor. Stepping out, I cautiously approach the office, hoping to all Chaos that Tower hasn't heard of that argument yet. I sidle around several soldiers casually guarding the hallway, giving them my best neutral look and hoping my blanched cheeks aren't obvious. Raising my hand to knock on his door, I freeze as I recognize his voice, talking softly. Putting my ear up to the door, I listen to hear what he's saying, dread icing my veins.

"They've been fighting too much. I had hoped they would set aside their differences, but every interaction is pushing them farther apart. Shadow's becoming less and less focused on his responsibilities, and his priorities have all but disappeared. Eclipse does better when he's not around Shadow, and I don't want to lose the alien's cooperativeness because Shadow can't keep himself out of this." I hear fabric scrape as Tower shrugs, my mind frozen by what I feared most.

"At this point, I have no choice. I'm moving the alien to another facility."

What?! I think, shocked, immediately listening more intently. This is not what I expected Tower to say next, and I'm bewildered by it.

"Good riddance," Rouge's voice huffs sullenly, both people inside remaining oblivious to my presence or thoughts.

She's there? Why is she talking to the Commander? I bite my lip, plan crumbling. Oh no. Nonono. Ignoring the strange looks from the soldiers, I press my ear harder into the metal, barely feeling the icy cold on the sensitive organ.

"Rouge," Tower chastises, sounding exasperated. "May I remind you that Eclipse could one day be as valuable to G.U.N. as Shadow is now?"

"I'll believe that when he stops driving Shadow crazy."

"Rouge, the alien has been cooperating with everyone outside of Shadow. He is perfectly amiable with his other interactions."

"Yeah, but he's the one making Shadow act so out of character! I don't care how well-behaved he is--he's cruel to Shadow, and that's what matters! Who's more important to you, huh? Your best agent, or an extraterrestrial toddler?" Rouge demands, and I flinch at how loud her voice is through the door. At any other time, that unique description of Eclipse would have even me in stitches, but I'm so horrified at this conversation that the only laughter wanting to bubble up my throat is entirely stress based.

"Shadow will recover. Separating the two will be the most beneficial for all involved; surely you're not protesting that?"

"Oh, I don't know, Abe," She replies, sighing heavily. "Shadow's been so caught up with Eclipse, I just don't think it's a good idea to sunder that relationship. Shadow would just worry over him while he was gone. Of course, he shouldn't, but he will." I can hear her eyes roll, but I appreciate her standing up for what I want, rather than her own desires. It occurs to me that I could insert myself into this, but I don't know if I could say anything to change Tower's mind. If anything, it would probably reinforce his determination that I've lost my priorities, so I nix the idea.

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