§ Find Him §

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It had been two purely awful days since Kousuke had held the ball.
The ball went smoothly, more than that even, he had meet the man of his dreams at the ball. The boy was handsome, smart, and caring, as Kousuke had come to know from talking with him.
But just as the clock struck midnight the boy had run off only leaving a beautiful glass shoe behind.
"Ahh! What should I do? I want to find him so bad but all he left behind is a shoe!" Kousuke sighed frustrated with himself.
"Why not go around and see who fits the shoe if you want to find him so much?" Hasekura spoke up from behind his lover, the prince's younger brother.
"He's right brother! That's a great idea Hasekura!" Squealed Kensuke.
"Oh really? Well, what about all the other people here that have the same size shoes? What if they don't even live here?"
"One, if you knew anything about fashion, you would know that the type of glass shoe he was wearing are always fitted only fit the wears feet shape. Also if he doesn't live here, well... you're on your own. Let's Kensuke." Hasekura said as he grabbed by Kensuke be the hand dragging him along to their bedroom.
"Thanks for the-" He began before the door was shut behind the two lovers.
"For the help... Whatever they plan on doing, I hope they remember its broad daylight."
In all truth though, Kousuke was grateful for all the help. Now he at least knew where to start looking for the mystery man.
Kosukse turned around and left the room too.
He gathered everything he would need as he went. He had things to do; and someone to find.
"I want everyone messenger you can get carrying this message through town!" He ordered.
While Kousuke rushes around the castle, Masahiro was wondering around the town market. He was on yet another errand for his stepfather and brother.
If he wasn't on an endless errands for them, he was locked in his room.
His father seemed to get irritated at the smallest things, resulting in Masahiro always being locked in his room.
Masahiro entered the familiar brewery and had expected to be greeted with a familiar face as well but no one was there.
"It isn't Sunday so the shop shouldn't be closed. Maybe Daniel is sick? I hope not. I'll should check in his home upstairs."
Masahiro brought down the ladder leading to Mr.Tensu's home. He lived on the second floor of the brewery. He had told Masahiro if he ever really was in need he could come up to the second floor.
He reached the top of the ladder, unlocked the hatch with his spare key, and pushed it open.
He stood up into the middle of Mr. Tenshu's living room. He couldn't hear anything inside but outside, he heard splashing and laughing.
He saw Mr. Tenshu trying to wash old wine and beer bottles to reuse them but something was getting in his way.
Drew and Daniel were getting into a water fight with the soapy water in the wooden washing tub.
Masahiro had never seen Drew smile so big.
He opened the window and called down to them.
"Hey you guys! Up here!"
"Huh? Oh! Hey Masahiro!"
"Hello Masahiro!" Drew tapped on Daniel's shoulder.
"Huh what's up sweety?" Drew whispered something in his ear.
"Oh that's right! Come on down Masahiro! We got news for you! A couple different things."
"Okay I'll be right down."


~590 words~
~Hey guys... so it's been awhile, umm school has been really busy and stressful but I hope to find some time and Finnish this book as well as start my Klance fanfic. (If you didn't know you can vote for what the Klance book will be about.)

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