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    His other half nods, taking one last long look at me before meeting my gaze

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    His other half nods, taking one last long look at me before meeting my gaze. "Which one should we use?"

I shrug and close my eyes. "I don't care."

"Nothing outrageous," Lucifer chimes in. "It's her first one there. Be gentle."

Satan nods and opens the box of metal rings. He digs through it for a few moments, trying to find something that will adorn me well without being too painful. Finally, he seems satisfied with something and closes the box.

"This shouldn't do too much damage."

I open my eyes and see him holding up his selection between his fingers. It's a thin curved barbell piercing with small blue glass beads at the end. I let out a relieved sigh. He's made a good choice with this one. It'll be enough to enhance any stimulation, but it's small enough that I won't have any permanent disfiguration.

I take a sharp breath and nod. I decide that this is probably the best choice for him to have picked. If I deny him, he might choose something heavier and less discreet.

Satan grins and shoves the box aside. Lucifer's hands holds my legs down, not forcefully or painfully but enough to make sure I don't escape. His darker half reaches down and picks up that damned silver needle, holding it close enough to my skin I can almost feel the heat radiating off it. I whimper again and jump back instinctively.

Lucifer rubs my shoulders again, kissing my neck to calm me down. "It's alright. You'll be fine. It will only last a second."

I nod and try to scoot back onto the bed. My body is still responding automatically, so I'm not in complete control. But I do my best to quell my nerves. I manage to stop my shaking and watch Satan with a semi-fascinated eye.

The demonic half of my husband smiles up at me, then refocuses on my body so he can work. He brings the needle close to my pussy, the heat from the metal warming my skin. I watch as he takes careful aim, tying to make sure he doesn't scar the most precious part of my anatomy. He holds the uncovered tip of the piercing next to my clit, waiting for the moment when he can slip it into place.

"Make sure you give her some relief after this," Lucifer chides his twin self. "She's been through enough shit today and I've promised her a good introduction into cunnilingus."

"Have you now?" Satan's smile widens into a grin. "Perfect."

He takes one final breath to focus on his task, then flicks his crimson eyes up to meet mine. They're filled with hunger and elation and a tiny bit of malice. But mostly, they're filled with excitement.

"Deep breath, my queen."

He gives me half a second to inhale before ramming the needle into my skin. I scream and jerk my body back. Tears roll down my cheeks as my body burns in the worst way imaginable. This isn't the soft, sharp pain of my nipples or belly. He's hit the most nerve-packed part of my body and violated it mercilessly. Now it's crying out in pain and making me body betray my commands. Lucifer holds me tight, trying to calm me down with soothing words as my body aches uncontrollably.

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