15 - Something So Small

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Y/N didn't exactly ask Kookie in advance to be hers. It was like a silent symphony. After what they have said and been through, they were together, in Y/N's mind. However, in Kookie's mind, it was that way all along. 

Yet, Kookie wouldn't let Y/N kiss him. The brown-haired lad felt like taking things in a slow pace. He knew he should be careful with the girl, although it was too hard for him to contain himself around her sometimes. He was spontaneous while Y/N was a scale, overthinking and trying to balance everything, heart and mind. 

When Y/N bidded him back his collar, the tall boy's heart warmed up, almost melted. Despite that, he wanted her to keep it. He liked that she was wearing it as a bracelet. 

At the end, they had to come to an conciliation. 

Y/N had to admit that she was together with him in front of the boys. That was the condition the boy gave her. If she wasn't going to tell it to Yoongi, then she should tell it to the other boys, infront of Kookie.

So, Y/N leaded the boy back to Jin's and Namjoon's place. She kept on checking the time through her mobile multiple times, trying to make sure she wouldn't bump onto Yoongi. She gazed at Kookie through the corner of her eyes. 

The boy seems anxious. His palm felt sweaty in her palm and his gaze was glued somewhere he only knew, with not a single blink.  

" Hey, it's going to be alright. " She told him, pressing his palm in hers soothingly.

" Okay. " The boy nodded slowly.

Again, there was that slightly aching, familliar tug at Y/N's chest. It was like a pang that irradiated from the center of her bust, when Kookie did or said that. It was like breaking her heart in million pieces and putting them back together at the same time.

After what she did, he kept on trusting her.

She halted on her tracks, making the bunny boy stop also.

" Yah, look at me! " She exclaimed determinedly.

Kookie's eyes turned at her. She brought their clasped hands near her lips, giving a light kiss on his hand while looking at him.

" Everything will be just fine. " She whispered with a nod.

A gigantic smile creeped on the boy's lips as his face started glowing pink.

Y/N smiled back as they started walking again towards the flat.

When the pair entered the flat, Jin, Taehyung and Jimin were casually sitting on the sofa, idly watching television and eating pizza. The trio's attention turned on the couple that was standing awkwardly in the doorway. 

" So? " Taehyung wondered with a mouthful of pizza. 

Kookie cringed behind Y/N's back, wondering if she would actually do as she promised. He also wished for her to be quickly as the pizza smelt deliciously and he wanted to ran over and gobble it. 

" Eh, hello? " Jimin waved his hand at them after a long pause.

The pace of Y/N's heart quickened and her stomach did uncounted flips as the trio stared at her expectantly. She couldn't let him down second time. 

" Will you keep standing there for long? " Jin asked teasingly.

 She could feel her toes numb, just like her fingers and her champed, shut lips, making the butterflies unable to leave her body. Cold sweat was showering her, however, she shook her head as she pushed the right words off her lips. 

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