To the library!!!

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Levy POV

"So I don't exactly know what going on but I have noticed something " I tell Lu and Makorov.

"And what's that?" Says Lucy curiously.

"Let's go to my office to discuss this. MIRA!" Says Makorov. Mira came up to us.

"Yes?" She asks, you can tell she's worried about the situation.

"Watch the dragon slayers and get gajeel up to the infirmary"

"Ok" Then Mira tried to carry him but he wouldn't budge.

"I'll do it" said panther Lily, then just lifted him with ease.

Levy POV

When Panther Lily lifted gajeel without any trouble it added more to my theory.

"OK now let's go to my office" said Makorov.

When we got in there we all sat down.

"So what do u think is happening to them?" Lucy asked me.

" Well I don't know exactly but I have noticed symptoms that they all have in common, like they all heated up, passed out, etc."

"I've noticed that too" agreed Makorov.

"So I'm thinking that they all have some disease or something that only dragon slayers get"

"Then why haven't they ever got this disease or sickness or whatever before?"

"I don't know about that, or the fact that none of there symptoms affect the exceeds. (A/N I don't know if I spelled that right but oh well). Oh and that's another thing, they all have an extra symptom that has to do with their own magic, like Natsu feels like fire, or when u touch Laxus you get shocked."

"What do you suppose we do?" Asked Makorov.

"I think that I and a couple other people should go to the library and look for more info on this."

"OK let's get downstairs and I'll get volunteers to go with you."

"I'll go" said Lucy.

Then we all went downstairs.

Lucy POV

As soon as we get downstairs Romeo bursts through the doors, then Carla after with Wendy in hand, or tail I should say.

"Help! Something happened to Wendy!" Yelled Romeo, he almost looked like he was about to cry.

I heard Mira tell Makorov that if our dragon slayers have this disease then others might have it to.

"I'll call Sabertooth guild afterwards" I heard Makorov say.

Carla laid Wendy on the floor and I ran to her. As soon as I was within 2 feet of her a burst of wind pushed me back into...Erza?

"Erza your back!, where's Gray?" Yelled Mira.

"What happened to Wendy?" Erza said,completely lgnoring the question, then walked up to her but got blown back into...Gray?

Julia POV

"Gray!!" I yelled then ran up and jumped on him. Yay! He's back.

"Get off me!" He yelled and pushed me off. He knows he loves me😊.

Lucy and Levy explained everything that has happened up till now, and Carla had taken Wendy up to the infirmary.

"Levy said that we should go look in the library for more info, I volunteered to go, who else wants to come?" Asked Lucy.

"I'll go! We need to figure out what's wrong!" Said Erza.

"Me too" said Romeo.

"Ill go too." Said Gray. If he's going then I must go!

"Ill go if Gray-sama is going!" I yelled then grabbed on to Grays arm.He sighed loudly. In all, it was me, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Levy, and Romeo going. The exceeds wanted to come but they had to stay here and take care of the Dragon slayers since their the only ones who can touch them.

"Well then, to the library!!!" Yelled Levy.

Authors note

So I was gong to do the whole library part but I have decided to wait till another chapter.

Next chapter will go back to sting and Rouge and then the one after will be the library part.

I know that this chapter doesn't have as much words but I'll write more next time.

Vote, comment, and follow, thank you!😆

Oh and criticize as much as you want, and give me ideas!! I know what I want to happen later in the book but not so much now. But give me ideas for now and later.

I know that when I read dragon mating season books I'm always thinking about things that the author should've put in the book so please tell me what you've always wanted to see in other books but haven't!!!

Word count:733

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