Chapter 32

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As soon as Nami, Luffy, and Rose get close enough to the ground, Luffy inflates his stomach until it's the size of a ball with both girls by his side. When he hits the ground, he bounces in the air and laughs with Rose for the fun way to land while Nami is still shaken from falling at such a height.

Luffy lands on his feet and let's go of his crew mates while he's still laughing. "Shishishi, that was great! Hey, which way-?"

Nami cuts him off by punching him on top of the head. "GIVE US A WARNING WHEN YOU DO THAT!"

The captain groans as he rubs the lump on his aching head. "My bad..."

Rose chuckles at the spat as she pats Nami on the shoulder. "Relax, at least we didn't get hurt. Let's get back to the others."

Nami sweat drops at her calmness, but she lets it go as she looks to the direction of the plaza. "Fine, but you're still getting fined."

Rose flinches at the reminder of Nami's threat to fine her if she lost to Eneru again. "You were serious?!"

"I'm always serious when it comes to money." Nami says with a sly grin as she and Luffy start heading to the plaza with Rose begrudgingly following. As soon as they arrive, they were met with a sight of an energetic Chopper treating Zoro and Sanji's injuries.

"Chopper, you're ok!"

The reindeer freezes at Nami's voice as he and the others grin at the arrivals.

"Nami-swan~! Rose-chwan~!" Sanji gets up and twirls to the girls. "I'm so glad you're alright!"

"Glad you're ok too Sanji." Nami says as she goes to relax with Robin.

Rose only nods when Chopper approaches both her and Luffy, since they're the most injured out of the three of them. "You two, come with me!"

The pair complies to the doctor's demands while Nami suddenly gets hugged by Conis. "I'm so glad you guys are ok!"

Nami blinks at the sudden hug, but she doesn't hesitate to hug her back and sees the sky island girl's father watching the touching moment. "You both made it here ok?"

Pagaya nods as he looks around. "Yes, we were lucky to escape Angel Island. All the citizens managed to leave the island before it was destroyed, and they're making their way back onto god's land."

As Rose takes off her jacket to assess her damage, she looks over to Wiper, who's sleeping with bandages all over his injuries, but Aisa nods to Pagaya's plan.

She turns her attention back to Chopper, who's working on Luffy's injuries, she softly grins at the chance for the Shandorians to live in peace with the Skypieans before she starts getting the feeling that someone's staring at her.

She looks from the corner of her eye to see that Aisa is staring at her, but not with as much hostility as there used to be.

Robin notices the look that the child is giving the wind girl and looks at her in confusion. "Is everything alright?"

Aisa looks at her for a moment before she nods. "Yea, I'm just practicing my mantra."

Rose tenses up at the reminder, as Chopper finishes with Luffy and works on her injuries.

The archaeologist doesn't notice her reaction as she looks at the kid curiously. "Oh? You have the ability as well?"

Aisa nods as she looks around at everyone in the town square. "Yea, besides the people here, I can hear more voices coming onto the island. Still, none of them sound like-"

"Hey Aisa, wanna explore the city?"

She and the others turn to Nami's voice to see her grinning at the little Shandorian girl.

A Wish on a Comet (Luffy x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat