Chapter 12

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Hours after everyone woke up for the new day; the Going Merry was sailing peacefully through the Grand Line until a giant white sea cat surfaced from the ocean right behind the ship.

Vivi looks up at the large sea creature in pure shock. "That's a sea cat!"

Chopper and Usopp scream in fright, while Rose grows excited to see the final sign of them reaching Alabasta today.

Luffy looks at the first sign of food that he's seen for days, with pure hunger in his eyes, as he runs to the back of the ship to get ready to fight it. "FOOD!"

Zoro sees the large sea cat, and unsheathes all three of his swords with starving determination in his eyes. "OUR FIRST FULL MEAL IN DAYS!"

The sea cat starts trembling at the hungry pirates before he slowly backs away from them.

Zoro sees him retreating and yells out to the others. "SOMEONE MAKE THE SHIP GO BACKWARDS!"

"WE CAN'T DO THAT!" Usopp answers as he stays back with Chopper.

Sanji runs out of the kitchen after hearing the noise, then runs to the back of the ship !to join Luffy and Zoro in their mission to catch breakfast. "DON'T LET IT GET AWAY! I'LL FILLET IT!"

"NO!" Vivi grabs a broomstick and whacks Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, on the back of their heads, with the blunt side of the stick to send them flying forward until they slam their faces on the railing!

The sea cat uses the confusion to his advantage, and quickly dives back into the ocean as the boys get up while rubbing their aching heads.

"Why Vivi-chan~?" Sanji whines while Zoro and Luffy look to where their prey was with disappointment in their eyes.

"You can't eat him! Sea cats are sacred animals in Alabasta!" Vivi says while Luffy keeps his stare at the ocean.

"The food..."

Vivi could only sigh as she walks up to him. "Don't worry; you'll be able to eat soon."

Luffy immediately recovers from his depression and smiles at her. "Really?! What kind of cat?!"

"No cats."

Nami shakes her head at her captain's attitude before she walks over to the princess. "We should be getting there soon right?"

"Yes, the sea cat is proof of that."

Zoro looks out in the horizon then smirks at the view. "I bet those ships behind us are even more proof."

Everyone looks at the back of the ship, and tense up when they see a small fleet of ships with the Baroque Works symbol decorating the sails.

Rose goes up to the railing and widens her eyes at the ships. "When did they get here?"

"Those are really Baroque Works ships?!" Chopper asks while Usopp nervous nods while keeping a smirk on his face.

"T-that's right, but that's nothing I can't take care of."

Chopper turns to him in utter shock. "R-really?!"

"Yea, I just need to get the cannon ready!" He goes to his cannon with shaky legs when Luffy runs up to him.

"Wait, it's faster if we go up there and kick their asses! Rose, can you fly us over there?"

Rose shakes her head at the question. "Sorry, but I don't want to risk dropping you guys in the middle of the ocean."

Zoro hums in agreement while he keeps his focus on the distant boats. "Those guys are just the grunts anyway. No point in wasting our time with them."

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